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Put a bullet thru the skull of a passive aggressive narcissistic what tranny



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Thought this was gonna be a remi natto thread…


You thought wrong, homo


looks like gayslaying is back on the menu, boys


Whatmin the tranny


whatmin i hate you so much do the right thing and remove him


Cry more tranny I am your shadow your karma


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>I am your shadow your karma

Heh, *backflips away from you*, also you have activated my geass, you are already dead.


I never watched that anime. Shadow is an analytical psychology term by Jung


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Idc that was the most sincere chuuni thing I've ever read on the internet.

Don't delete it I already screencapped.


Shadow projection is why I'm so hated


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>Shadow projection

My shadow protection aura protects me from this.


whatmin has not and will not ever perma rangeban the guy (unlike every other admin) because whatmin has principles that he won't concede. this includes a belief that free speech should extend across all facets of discussion and that /what/ itself is fundamentally rooted in its origins of having minimal moderation.

this guy will be free to blather until he dies or until whatmin dies and the /what/ server gets unplugged by his mom.


I still delete his shit constantly.

You don't even see 75% of the stuff he posts cause I delete it.


You sure just didn't delete your own posts again? Lmfao tardmin


It's more than that he coddles him and protects him and the proof of that is tardmin deleting posts that make fun of his boyfriend while leaving his shit threads up while say "I clean most of it!" Because it's totally normal to leave spam cleaning half finished. He's a faggot and a lair


You gonna cry tranny?🤣


That's your job I'm just calling it as I see it you're a faggot with a coal burner boyfriend


don't be mean to buttmin!


Suck a gun tranny

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