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File: 1596615053976.webm (1.27 MB,540x960,1596611151539 (2).webm) iqdb


Zoomer guys are transitioning to female at astonishing rates. What the fuck went wrong with zoomies and why is trans almost entirely a zoomer thing?




File: 1596615117618.jpeg (99.98 KB,1024x690,BF2041A6-A9AE-4084-803D-D….jpeg) iqdb

Trannies look disgusting don't be fooled by the angles and filters


You only see trans zoomers because you spend all your time on zoomer social media. You never see FTM trans people because of erasure

Consider that perhaps those other pictures are from bad angles?


>Consider that perhaps those other pictures are from bad angles?
That's not a question.


Those are not bad angles they are how you faggots look IRL


post your best angle schizo-kun


I'm a man and look like one I'm not trying to look like a girl

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