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That looks kinda hard can we play Command & Conquer: Red Alert or Civilization IV instead?


uhhhhhh you're only allowed to post girly birlfags and not faggot fags please rectify your behavior post haste thanks


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The twink age of /what/ is over.


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I'd love to play HoI 4 but it's Paradox and they have a zillion DLC and even if you exclude cosmetic ones which i don't care about (since I just use NATO counters (even though NATO didn't exist yet)) it still costs heaps and it's really annoying and it never feels like i'm playing the game properly, more like "here's a demo of what the game is like without the next bit of DLC" so I can never really get into it.

I also didn't like the way the map was styled.

Let's play Darkest Hour instead!


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These HoI games feel as enjoyable as toast with only butter. Where is the stylized UI? Animations? Tim Curry? Cool music? Broken Indian AI? Seeing things go boom when you go to war? It's just Risk on the PC….


Risk is turn-based while HoI is real-time. HoI then adds a thousand layers of complexity and there are lots of other differences of course, but I think real-time gameplay changes the pace and feel of the game fundamentally.

Silly little animations and boom booms are unneeded fluff in these sorts of games. I can't really remember the music in HoI4 but I do remember Darkest Hour having a wonderful soundtrack. It tends to have lots of strings and percussion and brass and is very sweeping and marching and pensive and fits very well with the tone of the game. I think it's very cool!

(I also thoroughly enjoy a nice bit of toast with just some butter on it. I had some toast for dinner yesterday!)


Just pirate the game with all the DLC silly, or if you already have the base game you can use creamapi to trick steam into thinking you have all the dlc and still have the perks of having a legally bought game on steam, people have been using it for years on paradox games and have never been banned.


nice try creampie devs but i'm not falling for it.

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