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idk what the fuck the tinder algorithm is doing but i got 70+ likes in teh past 24 hours. I did make my age 22 but the first two days of the app i had only 3 likes and one was my super like, they like blacklist certain profiles and decided to put mine everywhere for some reason


Tinder only shows me literal Stacy party sluts and I hate it.

I know somewhere there is profiles of nerdy/fat girls but I have not seen literally even a single one.


uhh isn't this normalfag shit?


Most of my matches are trannies and fat chicks sigh


Idiot. I told you internet dating has to many norms. You need to do environmental hunting for gf.




At a convention probably you idiot


Didn't get any likes overnight so they must've put me away


He is a norm though.


why thank you, i'd prefer beign a norm to a schizo incel


dont do this

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