[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1595196828510.mov (1.35 MB,trim.FDB69D0A-4DAB-4873-B9….MOV)


She turns me on so much


Im watching tiktok compilations on YouTube and the comedy is good but the ones where it's just'im pretty and doing a thing' is pretty stupid. I'm not hating them for being pretty but I just prefer witty comedy


Post webm if you want me to actually watch your videos. I can't play mov files in Microsoft Edge (which is now my browser of choice).


You must be retarded


Says the guy posting shitty .mov files


I'm on an iPhone because I'm not an incel


As someone who has tried using an iPhone for a month I just don't understand why people like it so much. It just felt like an Android phone with less features.


Well what do you expect, I'm a schizo, my babysitter used to rape me when I was a kid and I secretly licked my mom when she was sleeping. I only get boners to scat and I like to look at blonde girls who look like Elsa in the park.


File: 1595200894496.jpg (238.49 KB,686x584,1446044935094.jpg) iqdb

Yikers bro, you should probably kill yourself. You're replying to posts that aren't even yours you're losing it so badly lol
It's because I had to buy a cheap phone after my android broke and didn't want a slow chink android and there was an iphone on sale. I will go back to android soon. But I would take an iPhone over a cheap/old Android any day, old androids run slow as shit and old iphones still run smooth. Also normies think you're normal and cool if you use one.


>You're replying to posts that aren't even yours

yeah that's what non-schizos generally do , retardo


File: 1595201930786.webm (1.93 MB,640x360,1589590867451.webm) iqdb


File: 1595202051981.jpg (52.06 KB,750x733,1595036200481.jpg) iqdb

Why is the webm supposed to be bad?

He probably looks better with a straight buzz cut.

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