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Why couldn't I be a female life would be so easy


File: 1595033833224.jpg (61.94 KB,500x600,1289878193409.jpg) iqdb

It's true. Was talking to my friend who works as a gas station attendant and he was talking about just how much nicer everyone treats his female co-worker.

Every one is nicer to you, expects less of you, you can get sex anytime you want and guys will financially take care of your entire life just for sex/companionship.


Male failures, how pathetic!


if you were a girl you would probably have ugly skin and shitty hair and not know how to do makeup. how about learn those things first before you whine about being born a boy


Fuck you normie


Makeup is probably easy just watch YouTube. And go to a stylist and use a hair straightener it's not that hard.


so then why can't you do it to fix your uggo face


I'm cute and men with makeup look like feminine faggots. You are an ugly tranny that's why you can't apply makeup if you grew up doing it it would be easy


then why does every actor wear makeup


cuz theyre ugly


With the way you guys bitch about makeup and mention celebrities I would argue you're already a bunch of bitches I mean girls


Mainly so they don't look too washed out from all the bright lights, especially in studio. They also use it to look a little more tanned, flushed, or pale if the scene demands it - like if they meant to look really sick or cold or they meant to look like they've been stuck out in the sun for a long time, that type of thing.

I guess sometimes they use it to look better and hide blemishes, but i think if they really wanted to hide blemishes, they'd do it in post-production instead. And they wouldn't bother hiring someone that didn't look right for the part anyway, maybe the character is meant to be "TV ugly". idk for sure though.

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