[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1594380912272.png (2.08 MB,2246x1080,Screenshot_2020-07-10-13-2….png) iqdb


I fucking love japanese games, everyone is cute, has huge tits or either the cutting board and the characters are fun
In fact, considering how garbage the west is, the japanese should be the only one whom make games
I checked some wolfeinstein footage the other day while others were talking about it and holy shit it's popcorn movie tier cringe american powerfantasy
So, banzai, my friends, banzai


File: 1594383594940.png (2.51 MB,2246x1080,Screenshot_2020-07-10-14-1….png) iqdb

Fuck, why did I get this darkie, I'm racist

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