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File: 1566378829072.jpg (93.57 KB,850x593,c77f2e777b536e53d93c47c323….jpg) iqdb


/what/ meetup


>imbibing that there is even just one anime girl on /what/


do people even fuck at meetups


I doubt it, it would be full of guys


you would be full of guys


im not a gay


guys dont care as long as your pretty pink bp is soft and supple


fuck off before I rape you fag


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you cant rape me rape is illegal


brutally gangbanging the unwilling whatfriendo!


which /what/friendo is the most likely to be used as cum toilet during the meetup?




it seems kind of be nice to be a girl, you can get fugged by three guys at once. As a guy you can really only fug one girl at a time.


That's my fetish


As a guy you have more options


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guys can get fucked by three guys at once too!


No, boys only have 2 holes and they're not for cumming inside. I think you mean birls who only have 2 holes as well, but they can fit 3 cummers inside.


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boys have 2 holes but you can fit 4 cocks in each
source: im an expert


yeah but if you're a guy you wouldn't want to be fucked by guys unless you're a fag or something lmoa


you dont get a choice


Notice how the men are all dark-skinned but the female is light-skinned. Light skin is associated with femininity. If you have pale skin you are best as a "whatbirl" cross dressing tranny sissy. It's literally biologically wired into you.





(why whatmin delete this?)



(What Would Trevor Do?)



Shut up fag


it's sama


he would delete this thread and ban dani


as guy you could stick your c*mmer in a girl's p*ssy while you have two other guys stick it in your b*yp*ssy and m*uth at the same time if that's your kind of thing

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