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Whatmins they are going to force us to take the vaccine even if we have antibodies they're pushing propaganda saying the antibody test is inaccurate to force us to get vaccines we are fucked whatmins

DNA/RNA vaccines have literally never been done before you idiot there is no Corona vaccine in history no respitory vaccine there are tons of studies on the failure of attempted RNA vaccines you are fucked if you get it and they will have the quantum id to verify you are"safe" at airports and other venues you are literally fucked if you stay in America at this point it's fucking collapsing get the fuck out whatnot


GATES: Unfortunately, it takes many years to do a completely new vaccine. The design, the safety review, the manufacturing; all of those things mean that an epidemic can be very widespread before that tool would come along. And so after Ebola the global health community talked a lot about this, including a new type of vaccine platform called DNA/RNA that should speed things along.

And so this Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Initiative [sic], CEPI, is three countries—Japan, Norway, Germany—and two foundations—Wellcome Trust, [who] we work with on a lot of things, and our foundation, the Gates Foundation—coming together to fund . . . actually trying to use that platform and make some vaccines. And so that would help us in the future.


This specific issue regarding coronavirus vaccines is exacerbated by the arbitrary and unscientific 18-month timeframe that Gates is insisting on for the vaccine’s development. In order to meet that deadline, vaccine developers are being urged to use new and largely unproven methods for creating their experimental immunizations, including DNA and mRNA vaccines.

KELLY O’DONNELL: For a self-described wartime president, victory over COVID-19 equals a vaccine.

TRUMP: I hope we can have a vaccine, and we’re going to fast-track it like you’ve never seen before.

O’DONNELL: Adding Trump-style branding, the administration launched “Operation Warp Speed,” a multi-billion-dollar research and manufacturing effort to shorten the typical year-plus vaccine development timeline.

SOURCE: Trump Administration’s ‘Operation Warp Speed’ Aims To Fast-Track Coronavirus Vaccine | Nightly News

ANTHONY FAUCI: We’re gonna start ramping up production with the companies involved, and you do that at risk. In other words, you don’t wait until you get an answer before you start manufacturing. You at risk proactively start making it, assuming it’s gonna work.

SOURCE: Dr Fauci Discusses Operation Warp Speed’s Goal Of 100s Of Millions Of Vaccine Doses By January

BECKY QUICK: You’re thinking 18 months even with all the work that you’ve already done to this point and the planning that you are taking with lots of different potential vaccinations and building up for that now

GATES: Yeah, so there’s an approach called RNA vaccine that people like Moderna, CureVac and others are using that in 2015 we’d identified that as very promising for pandemics and for other applications as well. And so, if everything goes perfectly with the RNA approach, we could actually beat the 18 months. We don’t want to create unrealistic expectations.


RHIJU DAS: So the concept of an RNA vaccine is: Let’s inject the RNA molecule that encodes for the spike protein.

ANGELA RASMUSSEN: It’s making your cell do the work of creating this viral protein that is going to be recognized by your immune system and trigger the development of these antibodies.

DAS: Our bodies won’t make a full-fledged infectious virus. They’ll just make a little piece and then learn to recognize it and then get ready to destroy the virus if it then later comes and invades us.

[. . .]

DAS: It’s a relatively new, unproven technology. And there’s still no example of an RNA vaccine that’s been deployed worldwide in the way that we need for the coronavirus.

RASMUSSEN: There is the possibility for unforeseen, adverse effects.

AKIKO IWASAKI: So this is all new territory. Whether it would elicit protective immune response against this virus is just unknown right now.


In the US, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a declaration that retroactively provides “liability immunity for activities related to medical countermeasures against COVID-19,” including manufacturers, distributors and program planners of “any vaccine, used to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate COVID-19.” The declaration was issued on March 17th but retroactively covers any activity back to February 4th, 2020, the day before the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced an emergency $100 million to fund treatment efforts and to develop new vaccines for COVID-19.

The plan to inject everyone on the planet with an experimental vaccine is no aberration in Bill Gates’ envisioned “Decade of Vaccines.” It is its culmination.

The “Decade of Vaccines” kicked off with a Gates-funded $3.6 million observational study of HPV vaccines in India that, according to a government investigation, violated the human rights of the study participants with “gross violations” of consent and failed to properly report adverse events experienced by the vaccine recipients. After the deaths of seven girls involved in the trial were reported, a parliamentary investigation concluded that the Gates-funded Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), which ran the study, had been engaged in a scheme to help ensure “healthy markets” for GlaxoSmithKline and Merck, the manufacturers of the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines that had been so generously donated for use in the trial:



They gave me a tetanus shot in the hospital I'm fucked


You realize for them to even legally distribute the vaccine they still have to go through the three phases of testing, right? It's not like they're just going to inject people with random shit, otherwise they could easily be doing that right now, schizo.


imagine how schizobro would feel when the first vaccine ever was developed
>vaccines have literally never been done before you idiot there is no smallpox vaccine in history


Read the thread you stupI'd fuck.


I did, schizo. Nothing mentioned is at all risky or dangerous. All medical items MUST GO THROUGH CLINICAL TRIALS. That means THOUSANDS of volunteers have to receive the vaccine in double-blinded experiments to determine it's safety and efficacy all before a single mass-produced vaccine is ever administered to a single person as part of a standard vaccination.

THATS WHY IT TAKES 12-18 MONTHS FOR A VACCINE. Because they have to test it. Holy shit. This is fucking common sense. NASA didn't ducktape some fireworks to a chair and hope it got to the moon, they had to test shit and figure out what worked. Vaccines could literally be on the street in less than 2 months if they didn't test shit, but they do – which is why your stupid "Bill Gates mark of the beast global ID" drivel doesn't hold a single molécule of water.


the vaccine is coming in less than 12 months you dumb fuck zombie


read teh fuking thread


and it takes longer than 12-18 months normally for one, even 12-18 months is bizarre you retarded fuck. clinical trials and tests take years to do, not 12-18, and theyre going even faster for this, and it's an RNA vaccine which is totally different


>Researchers and regulators are working to compress the typical six-to-10-year time frame it usually takes for vaccines to get developed, approved and marketed to the public.


Stoopid fuck. Stop pretending you know anything about research and vaccine development you dumb fuck. Go read more Bill Gates smear disinfo on CNN about how only fringe Alex Jones retards question what's happenig





> The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the team's research

He literally says it himself in a Reddit ama last month


How do you think it's a conspiracy when Bill Gates literally says it himself a month ago.

You are so fucking braindead


take your fucking meds



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