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Fuuck, /what/, I had a strange night
I work at a hotel for guest workers and it's pretty wild sometimes. So we heard there was a fight on a floor so I went to check it out with this huuuge powerlifter dude who is their tardwrangler. So we go up and this gypsy is like already on the verge of fighting this other guy who was ukrainian btw and there were lots of ukrainians so the gypsy felt inferior. So this gypsy goes in his room and takes out a fucking breadcutting knife which was around 20-25 cms. At this point we are standing between the ukrainians and this gyp so I'm like fuck I can die here if that countrynigger stabs me so my body starts pumping me full of adrenaline so I'm somehow not afraid at all yet aware of the danger. So this powerlifter dude pulls out this collapsible steel pipe so the gypsy kinda realised he is in disadvantage and puts down the knife. But he's still playing the man and at this point we are holding both sides back and ukrainians are gathering because there are fuckloads of them and they are not the folks who would miss a good beating (especially having numbers on their side). So at some point a fast and taller and bodybuilder ukrainian slips through and punches the guy like, anime-fast and the ukrainians and the gypsies both go in and this is our to step out because at this point there are like 20 people at a narrow corridor and we can't keep the fight from happening so the powerlifter guy who is experienced tells me to leave it and pulls me too out to the side, at this point ukrainians see this and fucking zergrush the guy and literally seven of them starts beating the gypsy who is on the floor at this time. So I call the police and I'm going down the stairs and this gypsy just went out from the hotel leaking blood, mind you, he was in underwear, and collapsed on the ground to the street where cops found him. After that was an investigation which wasn't interesting but turns out the gypsy started the fight (ofc). So I'm still pumped at this point from adrenaline and I kinda break into a grin after this shit is done because, fuck, it was dangerous, but adrenaline is the shit, man. So I sit down after and watch FGO and I want to fuck Ishtar so badly!! Loved every moment she did this tsundere passionate cute womeme thing
Moral of the story is that adrenaline is fucking great but it can also kill you also Ishtar is great!
So work is finished now and I'm going home atm


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I mean I'm not a small guy, but no one can hold a crowd like that. I'm about 187cm/140~kg and the powerlifter dude was even bigger but sometimes two warhogs is just not enough


I probably wasn't clear enough: I liked that adrenaline kick a little too much and not long after the whole fiasco I was thinking maybe I should just go proper buff with lifting and go into such crowd control positions, which is obviously a bad fucking choice but my body was thinking about it


but i wouldn't want to be involved in such drama myself


Well, usually me neither but I found my mind to be searching for the next date I work at this place. Huge bad idea since I actually don't have much experience with fighting.
Also I somehow gained some respect among some ukrainians which felt funny


I don't know what it is about gypsies, but they seem so fucking violent. Like, I'm honestly convinced there is something genetic about their propensity for wild altercations.

And I know that's stereotyping, but, the thing is, you can stereotype black/white/asian people and cite statistics or anecdotes, but there are simply too many people of that quality in the world for you to reliably maintain a certain conviction about their race, positive or negative. Those respective demographics are just too broad and diverse to make generalisations.

And yet gypsies are just consistently vile people. Utterly homogenous and consistent, no matter where you go. It's so strange, never met a good one, always trying to pick a fight, and I'm a fairly passive person–keep my head down, mind my own business, etc. etc.. I'm sincerely convinced it's something inherent to their ethnicity that compels them.


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I'm not European so I've never seen a gypsie.


are we talking roma or pikies?


i didn't think "gypsy" is used to refer to pikies.
i'm gonna guess he probably means romani anyway since he managed to somehow piss off every ukrainian there and it seems they were predisposed for the task.


You are right, and the answer is simple. It's inbreeding. There is a running (heh) joke that goes like this:
- How long a gypsy girl can stay virgin?
- Until she can run faster than her dad and is stronger than her little brother

Gypsies age terribly, 25 y/o ones are basically EOL by looks. I've met one who was 22 and already had these brown marks on her head that asians and "white" people usually develop around age 65 and up.
American leftists usually try to meme "whites" being inbred, which shows they never seen inbred people. Gypsies are also usually short as well, the only danger they provide is the lack of foresight which is universal among dumb people and they always roam around in gangs.


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I'm at this place again. When I came here, they already told me there is some guy lying out there with a bloody face who drank too much and picked a fight with ukrainians. lol
"I really don't envy you" - guy who just went home


bro you should introduce the ukranians to anime and /what/

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