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I want to go back


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Honestly mid 2000s is my favorite anime aesthetic


America in late 90s to early early/mid 2000s is the best time in human history.

Things have only been downhill since then.


>late 90s to early early/mid 2000s
-> Possibly one of the stupidest gun control laws to ever pass (under Clinton)
-> The worst of the "murder simulator" criticisms of video games and the internet
-> Saw the largest increase in domestic surveillance by the state in the history of America (under the dumbest and most embarrassing president in the history of the US)
-> While in the middle of the most thinly veiled war of aggression in the last 100 years where America committed some of the worst atrocities since Vietnam.

Yeah merica at this time was peak huh?
Not even gonna comment much on what lasting damage these things had over time - the NSA for example sure as fuck didn't scale back once the threats subsided.

Maybe some good mobies came out around then though.


This WHATNOT is a zoomer


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> under the dumbest and most embarrassing president in the history of the US)

Uhh I think you need ty update that for trunk


Obama started more wars dropped more bombs abs expanded surveillance and militarised police even more and Trump is even worse than him. Nothing has changed it's gotten much worse


i don't even like him but i don't really think Trump is actually embarrassing compared to Dubya. He (ought to) knows how to run a business and the US is essentially a giant corporation at this stage so he *should* be alright with economic policy and it didn't seem all the bad when he started tbh.

Terrible with social policy, obviously.

>started more wars

I wouldn't call them wars, they're nothing anywhere near the scope of Operation Enduring/Iraqi Freedom which combined consumed so much more manpower and materiel from the US and allies. Importantly, he put less boots on the ground and endangered less American servicepeople (mainly through bombings and shit), though he still played the role of global police chief. I'd say that for the most part he was just cleaning up the mess left behind - it was the removal of Hussein that created a vacuum for IS.


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and what did bush do that was so much more retarded than trump?


>Hurrrr let's just pretend they said something they didn't.
I didn't say it was okay, i implied that if you have to commit war crimes, at least do so without unnecessarily risking the lives of your own servicemen and women. Again it's no where near the scale of deployment (both personnel and munitions) as in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2001.

And, honestly, at least you can't waterboard someone with a bomb.

Bush barely has a grasp of the English language, this is what makes him embarrassing as a statesman. What made him dumb was how he conducted himself, he seemed to have little understanding of what was happening, like he just went along with whatever his advisors were telling him (whether or not this is true, idk, but it sure made him look clueless).

Trump on the other hand knows exactly what he's doing when he agitates his own citizens on Twitter and shit, he doesn't come across as "dumb" or "embarrassing", more like he has some goals (whether big or small, nefarious or not) and he's been trying to work towards it. He acts intentionally and with conviction and it doesn't really come across as clueless like how Dubya's actions looked. Perhaps in the future once we can better see the damage, I might call him something more like "malevolent" unless it turns out he really was just clueless all along.


love talking american politics on /what/


Did you play Mario Party with your friends or siblings when you were a kid?


no. we never owned a games console


To mexico? Loll

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