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just had a 60min thai massage
it feels nice when she's on you but dunno if i actually feel any better now
she literally was kneeling on all fours on my back, felt good
although when it came to do some of the stretches at the end i could tell she was straining, im 191cm, 85-90kg
she cant have been more than 50kg

might go back for a straight relaxation one instead of deep tissue
and slowly work my way up to hiring a prostitute so im no longer 'cel


I thought they at least give you handjobs at those Asian massage places if you ask.


yeah they do, idk how to ask tho, but they all do, i think you have to just take all your clothes off and theyll ask you what you want. you have to give a big tip when you leave


nah not at these places
this isn't some shady back alley place with neon lighting
they take their "trade" pretty seriously

prostitution is fully legal here

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