[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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>left: im proud i can die for you, my black friend
>joggers: who the fuck are you? give me my free shit


I can't wait until the American people wipe themselves out they're a cancer on this planet, all of you.


stupid fucking signalling leftists
coon tunes playing in the background


i'm sure the poor felt great about a thumbs up from a rich kid looking down on them


The funny thing is they threw a rock at him before he even did it lol. I fucking hate these virtue signaling whites but I hate pigs more


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it was after. bunch of dumb frat kids getting drunk


It wasn't after you stupid white fuck. Watch it again, you can see a kid throw something and hear it hit his house, it just doesn't break the window. The white fuck then makes a thumbs up like a retard and they throw more at him, it's hilarious. Fuck white people.

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