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I ignored computers for a few years and no one makes updates to the software for 32bit win7 now
in fact some started breaking


Yep, there's a push to drop 32bit OS support across the board, even in open-source/Linux.

Some things are breaking on Win7 64bit even.

You know you could probably switch to Linux, most games are playable now if you even play any games.


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literally everyone has more than 3 gb of ram nowadays so no one can even use 32bit

whatmin help me install linux. /g/ said mandango is a shit os


Win 7 64 bit here


I understand why some people didn't jump to a 64 bit OS right away, especially if they had less than 3 jiggas ram, not much point for the typical end user.

But, umm, you really should've upgraded to 64 bit by now…


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OP here
So I spent yesterday looking for configs, because my laptop atm is:
i5 mobile dual core (3320m) and 4 gigs of ram

I'm kinda okay with spending 1500$ on a good setup if it lasts long, so I arrived to two possible outcomes:
High end Ryzen, stable but you know, not really exciting.
Used dual socket LGA3647 workstation mobo with engineering samples and 32-32 GB DDR4 per socket. See this is fucking awesome but it would probably consume lot more than a 7nm ryzen also less stable. But the reason for this is because I want to get into virtualization in a daily use and that's where good I/O comes into view.
I don't plan to spend on GPU at all, because I don't game anymore, I want a computer that lasts long 10+ years and has upgrade path. This is why a dual socket board would be good.

First things first I will need to get some memory for the laptop I'm using atm because I want to get comfortable with virtualization before I jump into a hardware set suited for that. The laptop can take up to 32 GB but the processor is ass.


Win10 is trash and I won't use it, end of story. Not sure if you are getting my picture


Windows 10 is better in almost every way than 7.


Yes except the shitty updates and the disgusting orwellian spying, really great. Not to mention flat design is just plain disgusting


I agree the aesthetics of 10 really kill it for me



Wow okay mister rude dude
How could i possibly "get your picture" if this is the first time you even referenced win10?

Next time be nicer to your whatfriends otherwise they won't help you.


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emphasis on "most"
i've been a windowsfag all my life but been trying to make the switch to xubuntu for like 2 weeks now
from my steam list, 2 linux-native games installed and played perfectly fine (dota 2 and everspace)
but by chance, the first game i've tried to get running using proton / wine is badly supported
probably needs some manual fixing to get going, or i drop it entirely and just chalk it up to bad luck hehe

not to be a bitch about this or anything, if this extra work were required on windows i'd be doing it too
it's just that the extra bit of fixing and searching tutorials is way more common with the linux i'm using currently


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>probably needs some manual fixing to get going, or i drop it entirely and just chalk it up to bad luck hehe

It uses EAC (anti cheat). This is pretty much the most common anti-cheat, and it simply doesn't work on Wine, there's no workaround, there's nothing you can do (unless you're a computer scientist).

Luckily, Guy1524 has actually been working on EAC support for the past month or so, and said he made significant progress. This is the guy who has implemented raw input support, and the first person to ever get Media Foundation support (video playback) working in Wine games.


Anti-cheat is the single biggest problem left for Wine gaming.


It's some nation operated AI, isn't it


Real guy, see him talk in Discord all the time.

Lives in Minneapolis though so been quiet the past week or so.


it's good he has a violent reaction when proprietary software is recommended


Want to play dota, I'm legend v


That's a misunderstanding. I got recommended Win10 and rejected it. I didn't make it clear in the op but windows is a dead platform for me, it ends with w7. I'm not rude or violent, at least I hope so. If anything, I wasn't clear enough


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Started an excel sheet to calculate long term costs of 1500$ setups
Look at me, I am the bean counter now!
(not using microsoft excel ofc)
The monthly hardware cost of an 1500$ setup for 5 years costs less than a bottle of whisky! Really made me think.
Futher objectives: calculate worst case power consumption + differences between platform, highest setup total cost acceptable over 5 years, storage cost differences between hardware platforms and technologies


just get a dell you nerdo


Cute kitty.


Just get a new computer for new games, and an old 32bit computer for old games.


I also recommended a lot of other stuff and asked a load of questions which you didn't respond to and instead just rudely lashed out at because you weren't clear the first time. I only wanted to help you.


I get why people hated Windows 10 when it first came out, but didn't Microsoft fix everything that was wrong with it? Why do people still hate it?


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been using it for 8 months now
no issues.


Because of the extreme spying.

Windows 10 is backdoored and has a rootkit

Want proof there's a rootkit? Microsoft can remotely install and run any software they want and you can't disable or stop this.



Don't make a microsoft account and sign in with it and you'll be fine. How are people this retarded?


Don't care about the spying and I like signing in with my Microsoft account because it syncs my wallpaper between my PC, laptop, and tablet.


Is windows 7 like this


Some of the telemetry is backported in later updates
Telemetry is a soft name for spying


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Good news, there is a quad core for my laptop for cheaps that should be compatible. That's doubling the cores. I need to get some memory and throw on a 64bit and we will be good.
This isn't all that interesting, I just wanted to post this cute happy girl


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I fucked up calculations. No one said that a year only has 12 months, not 24.


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since the installgentoo wiki was already linked here before, this is what i use to ease my mind:

go read the red section up top and run the ancile script thing they refer to.
if you kept up with windows updates, it is gonna throw its update bubble prompt thing again after that
so what i figure the script does, is uninstalling certain "unwanted" updates.


>since the installgentoo wiki was already linked here before
would you not post it if you weren't? are you gatekeeping a 4chan wiki on /what/? lmao

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