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Take your cock out! Grab it tight!
Pump it morning, noon and night!
Jerk it while it throbs and grows!
Stroke it til it really blows!
Pant out hard and moan out loud!
Feel just like you're on a cloud!


find another hobby, idiot


Imagine if you weren't a degenerate and focused your talents elsewhere


Like what? There's nothing better than jacking off. Except maybe sex but I wouldn't know about that.


I bet he could apply his jacking off talents to a lot of things lmao


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he could jack me off




this is the "have you ever knowed some1 that became gay coz getting gf is too hard?" image


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Gays and trannies ruined anime posting




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Why does dani have a gf but we don't?



Dani is a pedo. Why would we have a girlfriend, you stupid homo.





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dani has a harem of loli gf's. i'm so jealous i'm gonna shoot up a wallmart.




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