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He literally attacked a guy with a gun and then got shot.

There is VIDEO PROOF of him running towards him, trying to grab the gun, and then he got shot.

This is THE best example I have of media brainwashing the general public.

People actually believe the "he was just jogging and they shot him" narrative, despite video proof otherwise.


Even if he was burglarizing homes, the white losers who killed him were already proven to be KKK members literally. They were looking for someone to kill and taunted him hoping he would retaliate.

Yeah he wasn't a good guy but he didn't deserve to be lynched for it by actual literal racists.

You're defending white trash racists, and yeah maybe others are defending a guy that was burglarizing homes but burglary isn't murder.

Have some perspective, you are just as low iq as those you claim are brainwashed. Go watch Fox news, another Jewish Kabbalah banker mkultra emitter and you'll see you're parroting the other side of the mind control like the literal retard you are.

By the way you're a virgin.


Everything you said is irrelevant.

Attack guy with gun = you get shot.

He attacked a guy legally carrying a gun, so he got shot in legitimate self defense.

It is an incredibly simple case.


It's not legal to chase a random person in a truck and yell at them, taunt and threaten them, then point a gun in your face.

Say all you want but you wouldn't like it if someone did that to you. They committed a crime, you can't just point guns at people and threaten their lives.


>It's not legal to chase a random person in a truck and yell at them, taunt and threaten them, then point a gun in your face.

Ok even if it's not (Georgia law says it is legal to do all this except threaten them), that should be their only charges.

The killing was 100% legitimate self defense.

Attack guy legally carrying gun = get shot in self-defense


I don't know if it works that way since you're intentionally ignoring a key piece of all this. They chased him, then jumped out of their truck and pointed guns at him and threatened and taunted him. That isn't normal, and yeah he was fucking stupid for trying to grab the gun of racist double digit IQ white trash sociopaths pointing guns at him when he was unarmed, but you're making it sound like he just attacked some dude with a gun minding his own business, not some dudes who were literally chasing him in public and jumped out of a truck taunting and threatending and pointing guns in his face.

It may not be murder but it's definitely manslaughter.


>They chased him, then jumped out of their truck and pointed guns at him and threatened and taunted him.
They didn't point guns at him before he attacked.

Even if he was innocent and not a real criminal suspect, it doesn't change why he died.

He got killed because HE RAN TOWARDS THEM, attacked one of them who had a gun, and tried to grab the gun.


They instigated the fight. Yes he reacted in a dumb way but they started a fight. Fights like this that end in death usually get a manslaughter charge, they got let off for being white and one of the guys being an ex-cop i.e. Jewish banker funded mafia.


>but they started a fight.
They never started any physical confrontation or fight.

They just followed him (because they thought he was a criminal, whether he was, or if you think it's racist is irrelevant).

The fight started when Arbery decided to charge them, attack them, and try to grab the gun.

He got shot in self defense.

There is video proof, yet everyone is trying to ruin these men's lives and sending them death threats because YOU'RE racist against white people, you hate white people. This an example of how powerful media brainwashing is, the majority believes the completely false media narrative on this (he good boy just jogging and got shot for no reason.


Dude they chased him in a truck and pointed guns at him. Come on. Pretend they did that to a white dude.


If the races were reversed and you had video proof of the white guy charging them, attacking them, and trying to grab the gun, I would say the same exact thing.


whatever first degree murder isn't the only type of murder


> Georgia law says it is legal to do all this

It's illegal to follow someone with a gun pointed at them?


makes me think back to those stories we are taught about lynchings. I wonder how many of those were justified




White people need to experience genocide.


You misunderstand. I meant from the perspective that the lynchings were justified and practiced as common punishment at the time, not that they are mythical witch hunts done by devils.


i don't misunderstand, i think you are trying to rewrite history and gaslight black america


One of the mistakes historians make when trying to rewrite history is that they aren't able to control the present.So the stories that are told and the opinions people have now on events current can be found to be different to those recorded in history, and the illusion shatter.


Whether or not the lynched were guilty is irrelevant, lynchings are mob justice and are an example of bonafide nigger-tier behavior.


Exactly, and white people are the ones doing it


however that was common law at the time and still is in regions in africa


No shit.

>however that was common law at the time
No it wasn't. Lynching by definition is extrajudicial and illegal.


Fuck white fuckers


Nigger HUSH!

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