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This triggers whatmin.


how come whatmin's smart with computers and stuff but dumb with science and stuff


Whatmin cant even build his own computer he is useless


I've built and upgraded my own computer for years.

I'm planning to upgrade to a Ryzen 3600 from my 2012 CPU.



you have to be retarded to believe in science (aka lience)


>how come whatmin's smart with computers

he thought computer fans are just for show and not really important so he didn't bother cleaning them until his graphics card melted down


This is true, but my broken case made it impossible to stop massive amounts of dust.

Now I have a really clean nice case with good airflow that doesn't let any dust in at all.


I can't wait until the future when PC components have heatsinks that connect directly to the inside walls of the PC case - think of the connection like a CPU heatsink connection, firmly screwed together with a tiny spot of thermal paste. The case itself would then just act as one big heatsink covered in cooling fins and all sealed up.

The relatively large mass and surface area of the case provides adequate heat capacity and passive cooling so that you don't need to have holes in the case and you never have to deal with fan noise, pump noise, or dust (except for dusting the exterior) or anything. The only concern would be electrical isolation of the exterior and interior, but there's probably an engineering solution.

Also, it would stop all those stupid ass dumb as shit LED shit that children put in their rig.


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