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Like it or not, by posting on 4chan, especially /pol/ or /biz/, you've put a timer on your life if the techkgb gets in power


i cant wait until the end of the 20s when central banks collapse and rogue extreme groups are free to kill each other with cyberpunk technological warfare


Why is xhe keeping a spreadsheet of names??


alt right posters who pissed her off and she will destroy in the cyberpunk age of the 30s




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Holy shit, is she actually going to kill the boids?
The true savior of /ota/


Female incel


And? I really don't see the threat or the point. Seems like your run of the mill shitposter threatening to doxx.


Keep telling yourself that incel. Your time will come.


Whatever you say Pajeet


Keep using Google services


I don't


1. If you're writing a manifesto and your name is marl karx then you're probably making a mistake
2. inside the manifesto he implied that his urm coworkers were diversity hires, and they weren't hired due to their skills. thats grounds for termination already since it creates a toxic work environment. how could you trust him to fairly evaluate coworkers or subordinates contributions when he thinks any URM is only there as a diversity hire.


He was probably right


How is it toxic?


It's definitely true that some were and I doubt he said every single non-white male was


good thing I don't visit shitty boards for normalfags!


1. I avoid google products when I can
2. Don't even lurk 4chan, uninteresting pisshole, didn't post ever since the legacy captcha got axed


Then why are you here XD


Dang you're good


Where do you post

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