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File: 1589236493421.jpeg (66.41 KB,554x675,6DA8A035-BCFF-4F35-B5AF-F….jpeg) iqdb


Why is Nintendo pushing the tranny agenda


Trannies are the future you cranky old boomer


Crossdressers aren't trannies, retard.

Kill yourself, tranny.


This game is encouraging children to cross dress causing aurogyenephilia and future transgender

If you cross dress you are a closet Tranny faggot kill yourselves


You boomers boom boom your diapers already?


Imagine feeling the wind blowing on your balls when you wear a skirt with no underwear…


xD only old people aren't brain washed by Jews! It's cool and go to be Jewish mkultra slaves and destroy manhood and give authority to Central Banks


Ok schizo.


HAHA if you point out the emasculation of males through biological, psychological and cultural means by TBTB you are a schizo! Shut up and turn gay like everyone else, it's what all the kids are doing you're too OLD and masculine to understand haha


You really should you'd be much happier.


File: 1589247370183.png (281.04 KB,458x644,TFH_Cheer_Outfit_Render.png) iqdb

Nintendo just really likes dressing Link up in girly outfits for some reason


File: 1589247401659.png (66.22 KB,164x320,164px-TFH_Legendary_Dress_….png) iqdb



I'would crack your fucking skull open




I thought crossdressing was the opposite of tranny agenda?
I swear, drag/crossdressing/traps change from being offensive and transphobic to the keystone of going against gender-norms and trans-acceptance on a weekly basis.

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