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Street Fighter V suddenly started working on Linux.

People thought this game was never going to work due to the crazy anti-cheat.

Or at least not for several years.

Can't believe a game broken due to anti-cheat just suddenly starts working. Soon video playback won't be an issue for Wine, and hopefully anti-cheat will follow.

At that point basically over 95% of Windows games will work on Linux.


Cab you explain the whole anti cheat thing? Doesn't it give backdoor access to CIA Jews? But doesn't it prevent people from actually cheating? Why did it suddenly stop working and how will it affect games


Capcom's anti-cheat with SFV is apparently basically a rootkit yes.

>But doesn't it prevent people from actually cheating?

To a large extent yes.

>Why did it suddenly stop working and how will it affect games

You mean why did it start working?

Because Wine developers did something that fixed it, and no one really knows what exactly fixed it. They push out commits to Wine everyday.


Wait so anti cheat works on Linux? Linux is officially backdoored to the alphabet agencies?


Some anti cheat works on Linux natively and through Wine.

Some that work natively don't work through Wine.

VAC works natively and through Wine.

EAC works natively but not through Wine (this is the most major anti-cheat problem).

BattleEye doesn't work.

Blizzard's Warden anti-cheat works through Wine.

Street Fighter V's random custom shitty anti-cheat works through Wine now.

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