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File: 1586649001773.webm (2.94 MB,1280x720,1586471650404.webm) iqdb


I'm literally going ty buy a PS4 just to play ff7 because literally any footage is a spoiler to me. I know the story, spoilers are seeing all the old areas remade. I've already seen a lot and want to experience them firsthand so I'm buying it even though I know I won't enjoy it and will be disappointed cuz I haven't enjoyed games since I was in middle School



Fuck it's trash I feel stupid buying a PS4 especially when ps5 in a few months


go back and play the original FF7 and its very clear it was written so double digit IQs would enjoy it, bump even just a few IQ points as the remake has done here and these brainlets simply bang their ape heads against the controller

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