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Does anyone from 2012 JP and IRC even still come to these retarded spin offs


It's funny no one even liked Trevor till 2013 when I started ironically praising him then others started joining in


Yes, I gave up on 4 /jp/ years ago. It's just not the same. Its become bland nd boring.


The spin offs have become better than /jp/. Heavy moderation killed the spirit of jp.


i only come to retarded spin offs nowadays. also fuck irc


Jesus Christ you dense retards can't read


Fuck off back where you came from.


🤣 virgin detected


"Virgin" 🙄


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i was a crossboarding retard in 2012, but yes technically that makes me an uber-olderfag status


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Crossdressing doesn't mean you're a tranny though.


tranny can also mean transvestite which is just crossdressing but the term transvestite has pretty much disappeared.


Tranny is literally a shortened version of that word.


tranny is a shortening of multiple words: transsexual, transgender, transvestite
the point was that yes, crossdressing does mean tranny.


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> transsexual, transgender,

These words also came from transvestite.


Look cunt I'm word otaku and you're just copeseethe that I proved your shitty ass statement wrong you little bitch I'll fucking destroy your sissy celcunt so if you say just once more that they're derived from the same word without actually providing an argument I'm gonna nutfuck your ballsack to shanghai


No they didn't

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