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whatmin you were put here by G*d as a test for your soul, and you are failing that test

enjoy eternal torment and anal rape in hell you piece of shit


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I will tell you what the bible actually says about "Hell" and death.

Everyone goes to Sheol (Greek: Hades) when they die. This is the realm of the dead, these were both translated to "Hell" in some bible translations, even though Jesus went there too.

Some sections are worse than others.

Gehenna or the Lake of Fire is destruction of your soul, the second death. This is the actual "hell", you cease existing.


jesus didn't go there retard


Yes he did.


Catholics still to this day will literally say "he descended into hell" with the apostle's creed.

This "hell" is actually English translations of the word Sheol or Hades.


holy fuck i cant really remember apostles creed as a kid i remember nicene creed but WTF??? i talked to the cultist christian kids at my school and told them what you said about jesus descending into hell and they said it was a mistranlsation, they were just in denial. so cool!@!


I told you several times it's a bad translation of Sheol/Hades to "Hell" retard.


the lake of fire is where the transhumanists are going


also they didn't know waht hades or sheol was they just didn't believe any of what i said. next time i see them im gonna explain sheol ot them but im pretty sure they don't know anything about it and don't belive it

they are crazy christians that act like they're brainwashed, sort of like how liberals or republicans that watch the news act but for their christian cult, they don't look at things with independent thought


what do you think about jesus mother mary whatmin? is it ok to worship her?

one time i was at a bokostore and there was this christian telling me about god and trying to get me to come to church, then this catholic cacme up and started yelling at hmi and told me not to trust him and he was deceiving me and desecrating jesus's teachings, then they were arguing and the cult guy was basically acting like worshpiping mary was satanic and the catholic was yelling at him adn talking about how the church is ordained by god and the bible said it was a holy place that had to be created to continue jesus word


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