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Does that back rub feel good, Honoka?


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How does he think this is ok?


A girl will never look at you that way


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"We cannot win this re-election, we can only re-elect Donald Trump"

He literally said this, word for word, verbatim.


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so what, he obviously misspoke


The man is senile. He misspeaks every single time he speaks without a teleprompter.


ye3ah no shit. trump is senile too, go watch videos of trump in the 90s or 80s he sounds like a fucking intellectual.

biden wouldn't win anyway and we all know he's gonna get hillary'd after he makes her VP


how deep do you think her pussy is?


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ask joe


"I'm going to, Barack significantly increase the number of Pell grants that're out there. A Pell grant is a family, basically, less than 50,000 dollars, you're able to get a, at the time, it was less than 6, but he raised it to 6000 dollars."



oh no. anyone but <insert democrat here>. We really had no choice but to vote for <insert republican name here>


Bernie could have won but the Jewish owned Democratic party preferred Trump. Biden is just running for shits and giggles like McCain in 2008


thanks /what/ think tank


If you think this senile pedo has any chance of winning your HRT is probably giving you brain damage.


Bernie will win after trump and biden both get corona'd


Bernie has no chance, it's over for him. The Bernie bros just look stupid at this point donating money to him.


Bernie never wanted or planned to win, his goal was to spread support for his views and awareness of corruption while making millions off teens. He doesn't try to fight back cuz he literally doesn't want the burden of being president


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i truly belive this and have since 2016. he could easily stand up and fight harder and defend himself if he wanted to win, and call out corruption etc.

you can say he's a beta cuck but i don't believe that. i think he truly doesn't want to be president. yes he has passed good policies and is not owned by the bankers, but he doesn't want to be president, he never did. and he is also a zionist kike who supports israel's genocide against palestine.


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