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You haven't had this yet unless you happened to come down with a fever recently, but even then, it's unlikely you had it; more likely, you would have had the flu or a bad cold. The greatest distinction, however, is that this is a lower respiratory illness, whereas flus and colds are typically upper respiratory illnesses. In other words, this is more similar to bronchitis- and pneumonia-causing infections than the common cold or seasonal flu. Even then, the "mild" category (~80%) includes up to non-life-threatening pneumonia. That being said, non-life-threatening pneumonia often results in lengthy hospital visits, or being bed-ridden at home for a week or more. Furthermore, ~20% of cases are of some serious nature. ~16% are deemed "serious." These are the people who require being put on oxygen. And, then ~4% are deemed "critical." Those are the people who require oxygen intubation.

Stop schizoposting, you freak.


1) The virus is only a threat to old people and people with serious underlying health conditions
2) Masks don't work

Two pretty big falsehoods that shaped public opinion for several weeks in precisely the wrong direction


Masks do help a little bit. It's better to wear a mask than not. Just make sure you wear it properly. Watch some youtube videos first. The only people saying you shouldn't wear masks are doctors who are running out of them, but if you already have some at home there is no reason not to wear them when you go out.


if you already have some you should donate them to hospitals


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