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Mapo Tofu with Hibiki!


tofu isn't very tasty in itself, even with lots of yummy stuff added around it, it still not that tasty. Only exception is if you "marinate" it in something strongly seasoned like a curry sauce.


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I actually love tofu but the soy meme has made me avoid it.

I've always wanted to try Mapo Tofu ever since I watched Angle Beets.


Why does Hibiki smell like a hamster cage?


Because you're a incel schizo


I never tried mapo tofu. It was in shokugeki no soma as well. I will try making some a few months later


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the soy meme made me buy actual soy beans (uncooked)

god i love memes!!


Dark soy sauce is pretty good tbh.


imagine avoiding something you like for a meme that isn't even legitimate
if you aren't a massive nu-male then what are you even worried about?

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