[ what / sjis / test-php ]

/what/ -...

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File: 1583039820248.png (194.99 KB,885x643,XlSPyHqs8F.png) iqdb


I made a thing. Anyone can create a board-ad and put it gets rotated onto kissu.



Thank you, pissumin, very cool


Cool tits, too bad I won't go to that board anyway


it's actually the opposite idea… it's designed to bring people to you


fuckyou too


Can I make more than one ad?


File: 1583047648649.png (23.15 KB,480x340,owned.png) iqdb

i dont think /what/board has https
so i made the link go to pissu instead


It does it's just a self signed certificate.




I'll set it to https for you and see how it works


works. I did it manually so hopefully i didn't break your page. passwords are hashed too so don't wory. I'm not a tard


File: 1583048930616.png (17.96 KB,965x456,threat.png) iqdb



you know, I dunno what I was thinking there when I said it had to be SSL. I think i'll change that right now


File: 1583049574296.png (29.23 KB,500x90,banner2.png) iqdb



very cute banner whatfrens


how do i see the ones that are already there?



need to restyle it because it's getting crunched


Very nice banner, anusmuncher3000.


so did you really only get one banner for /what/?


Well, that's better than most. Ota bans me in 3 minutes for posting it there as well, and that's when I evade the filter he put up for kissu.moe.


Why is otamin always in a state of butt hurt and banning left and right over anything that isn't idols or the least memes or buzzwords.

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