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Whatmins is the Linux scene good enough that I can switch from Windows permanently


For gaming I mean


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It can play 90% of Windows games through Wine.

That's including games that need manual workarounds.

A lot of that 10% of games is modern multiplayer games with anti-cheat though.

It depends, that one game that might not work may be enough for you to still use Windows, even if only through a VM with gpu-passthrough.

In general it's very good, the past 2 years of Wine/DXVK development have been more significant than from 2012-2017 combined.


Ok but do they play better on Linux than windows or worse?

There is literally no case usage for Windows anymore other than gaming

But I'm worried on Linux I can't install things as easily as on Windows. 99 percent of my times on a PC is using a web browser. What do you use on Linux? Like even on Windows there's no chromium exe that installs by itself


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>Ok but do they play better on Linux than windows

Very very rarely. There is few exceptions.

Nier Automata is one, game plays flawlessly on Linux with apparently less problems than Windows.

>But I'm worried on Linux I can't install things as easily as on Windows. 99 percent of my times on a PC is using a web browser. What do you use on Linux? Like even on Windows there's no chromium exe that installs by itself

The only reason I use Arch is because someone has already made a PKGBUILD for everything in the AUR, which is a small script that will compile a package that integrates with the package manager just like official packages.

Arch is the only distro that does this, I don't like Arch otherwise but this one thing is that powerful.

Other distros you need to compile packages manually yourself (messy) not difficult, or install from third-party repos (gross).


So Arch is easier than Ubuntu,,,? What web browser do you use?

And does most games run better on Windows?


What the heck is this image? It's giving me anxiety.


not the guy you're replying to, but i found this site to be resourceful:
in general, i'd recommend fetching a spare laptop,
then try to install 2 or 3 distros, get wine running and see how/if it works

for instance i found out that devuan isn't for me
linux mint or xubuntu seemed easy enough though
manjaro was recommended to me as a first step, to get into arch later on


In many ways Arch is easier than Ubuntu yes.

>And does most games run better on Windows?

Idk read my fucking post maybe.


You just said that Linux isn't better they could be the same. So if windows is better it doesn't seem worth it


Windows is better at running software designed and compiled for Windows, it's true.

That's the only thing Windows is better than Linux at.


Everything is designed for Windows


Really because most of the software I use is designed by developers on Linux for Linux.

If I used Windows I would feel like there's no software.


What browser do you use


Firefox and Chromium for some things.


Is there a chromium for Windows that installs normally


No because they want to discourage use of it by normies.


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But it's a botnet


Chrome comes from Chromium, which is the fully open source base that Chrome is developed and stems from.

I'm sure it still "phones home" to Google, but it's completely open source they could know what that is but they haven't even bothered.



Idk, why download binaries from this third-party?


bcuz i am too lazy to just compile it mysefl.

is there an offical package/exe?



Isn't that a build that you have to compile yourself


Do you read words?


I just use curl for web browsing


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I use meme browsers like Vivaldi now.

My chromium on Windows is just a txt browser basically.

Windows is working man's computer, Linux is working for your computer man.


Windows is your computer working for Microsoft.


Linux is you working for your computer.


It goes both ways. It's a symbiotic relationship.




I haven't even used Windows for many years. Make the switch and determine for yourself whether you can stick with Linux.


im lazy as fuck, i dont want to have to do all sorts of work every time i want to run something


Sadly the linux scene never learnt from its mistakes and it's still garbage. End of win7 could have been their moment but no


I dunt understand why they haven't made a Linux that's easy to use and not time consuming

How could no one have made it yet? Or is it ios


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i think the anime community is to blame here
there is a distinct lack of win7-tan guro..



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