[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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I'm gonna get a big girly watch that fits on my small girly wrist, wish me luck!


Are you a girl???


wow t-p redirects me instead of letting me post. this is unfortunate. I wanted to say I have a boner right now



*squirts poo into your face*


stop that




why cant I get one of the uwu people who type cute. why am I stuck with the brap poster


*shoots POO Rocket into your face*


*grabs your girly wrists*


kyaaaa what are you doing??


*stabs them with a kitchen knife repeatedly*


*releases you and walk away*
sorry, i got carried away. i would never harm, abuse, rape, molest or take advantage of a birl in any capacity or situation. please forgive me for my ill behavior.


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*grabs your birly wrist and bends your arm up around your back while pinning you to a wall, you struggle a bit but give in*
*grabbing your floppy little cummer through your trousers with my powerful hands i speak to your ear "you may have been with a lot of boys, but have you ever been with a man"*


*dies gayly*


No!! You can't die…

*Gives kiss of life"


Um, I got a b0ner reading this…..





*looks around to make sure no one is there*


*squats down and removes her skirt*


*shoves broken glass up ass*


Lonely and horny


Go back to tp you fucking tranny faggot incel uggos


*slices off cummer*

Problem solved!


Wtf that's such a mean thing to do, give it back


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Good thread


*feeds it to a rabid hungry dog*

Too late!


chair when literally cannot go back to tp because whatmin locked it down.


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The guy who keeps trying to erp on the left.
Brap poster on the right.


/what/sluts get on this dick


Are there any real men in tp


`I just want to COOOM


Just the ones who insult the homos and trannies


Still can't post on t-p, I'm going to go get an irl gf who wants to roleplay online




*gets a boner and tries to hide the bulge in her dress*


*slices off boner*


*dodges your blade*


*Gropes your butte*


*slices throat*


*squirms uncomfortably and tries to get away*


*stabs you repeatedly with blood spraying everywhere*


*squirms out of the way just in time*
*notices all the blood spraying is yours*
Heh… just as planned….


*squirts poo into your face*


soft and crushable /what/throats…




things i'd do to yukitsuki dot txt


*erps gayly*


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test-php is back open.



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