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File: 1581918181235.jpg (32.54 KB,600x304,imperial-white-tobacco-fre….jpg) iqdb


tried some tobacco free snus today
was kinda gross and irritated my throat a little but that went away
made me feel a bit nauseous but otherwise not too bad


Nice tampons fag lmao


File: 1581922352746.jpg (158.4 KB,771x989,1581784265800.jpg) iqdb


He's right. Tobaccoless snus lmao get a grip


File: 1581954277154.jpg (365.66 KB,1280x853,animebottles.jpg) iqdb

i'd drink her "fresh water"


it's only 00 en!


Are you sure that's safe to drink?


yeah, she's water cooled.


File: 1581997654921.mp4 (40.18 KB,320x240,__yuudachi_kantai_collecti….mp4) iqdb

sure scc
It's kancolle

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