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Do people rubberneck you when they see you?

If I didn’t look down when I went outside, everyone makes a face at me. It’s like an instant flinch + look of disgust idk how to write it in words. Everyone’s eyes gets big when they see me and they wince or their mouth just drops.

Even when I wear makeup, people still do it, shit they probably do it more. People legit turn their heads and stare at me in a confused or morbid curiosity stare. Everyone I have met has done this to me. It’s probably rare for someone to be universally ugly, but it’s definitely me. I literally ping every sign of being ugly, the number ones being being completely invisible even on your best day, and people avoiding you.

Interacting with people is even worse. Even if I say something completely mundane, people look at me like I just said I like to sacrifice animals.


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