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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Yo shitmin I got a question for you my man I've got this laptop 💻 about 6 or 5 years old the processor is FUCKED the guy at the computer store told me those processors are garbage anyway I need you to tell me if I can replace it so I can watch movies again on my tv via a hdmi cable and make me admin quick


he'll just do that epic mimi that he thinks is the epitome of comedy and tell you to install gentoo. i hope he literally fucking kills himself.


I would not attempt to replace a processor on a laptop. Also how is the processor fucked? It either works or doesn't I think.

Install Gentoo.


The guy who fixed it said that those certain processors from the factory were bad or something I forgot what he said


Like it turns on but the screen is just black I had a bunch of movies on there I was going to see and shows too I even had a KG account from here I think someone invited me I forgot the email and password though




I'll take a picture of the stickers if that will help you determine if I should replace my processor and I also need you to teach me how to change it


File: 1477707486403.png (1.3 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1469.PNG)



>AMD processor on a laptop

RIP, enjoy laptop hot enough to fry egg on and no battery life.


Yeah that's why I need a new one


Simply purchase a Raspberry Pi.


I had an apple danish yesterday


get a linux


What the fuck

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