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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1476420841413.png (487.13 KB, 720x540, 1476417245163.png)

 No.9062[View All]

This is the official (0% shittu) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
304 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1478549999359.mp3 (3.06 MB, 04 Wild World.mp3)

Always makes me think of this song b/c of the similar title.

Also I was surprised when I learned that that was the original version, as opposed to the Gary Jules one. The songwriting's good but the music is too typical 80s and sucks the life out of the song.


could you find out, i'm curious


File: 1478571263564.png (2.57 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-11-07-210541_1920x108….png)

That's some next-level farm tech Japan.


thats a community center not a farm look at the description


That's not the community center.

Even if it was, it's still also a farm. Most Japanese towns outside metropolitan areas have a rice field or garden for almost every house.


what's so high tech about it though?



that's a retaining wall to stop landslides during earthquakes and heavy rain……


That makes sense, but what are those white things?


I'm did all my laundry today, but now I'm really tired, so I'm sharing most of my bed with my laundry…


File: 1478598468447.png (848 B, 117x42, Kbps.png)

56 kelvin bits per second.


that's a great idea make it dirty so you don't have to wear it again! cutting out the middle man.


File: 1478671413051.png (166.37 KB, 2000x2000, wide.png)

i found a wide cocoa…


Sometimes I wish we wouldn't have to have elections. Politics turns people awful.


it's better to talk about the wide cocoa-chan than comment about politics…


She's very cute. Do you have a wide Chino-chan to go with her?


File: 1478696222400.png (209.33 KB, 2000x2000, wide.png)

please enjoyee


i didn't give my information for the birthday thing and now i'm starting to regret it..


I enjoyeed this a lot.



Same, wonder if it's too late.




I'm sick of all the cunts talking about politics and it's making me angry


File: 1478804792374.jpg (99.87 KB, 1024x576, c21ce6497602cba27945465a6f….jpg)

Anime girl ERP is the greatest thing since moot invented imageboards.


File: 1478807862318.jpg (Spoiler Image, 70.66 KB, 552x550, 1478743875994.jpg)

This is what women think men think is attractive.


she looks cute on the left, homely-cute is an underrated aesthetic. beats having all girls look like sasha grey


Answer this question, are you a Virgin? Your answer will depend if I take your response serious or not


>homely-cute is an underrated aesthetic
No it's not only low test beta males think this is attractive


these two posts are just sad really really sad i can't even laugh at how bad they are you people need jesus


Stay mad ugly loser virgin


File: 1478819988099.mp3 (4.92 MB, 01-04 - stay ugly.mp3)

stay ugly 4 me


uhh sorry to disappoint but i lost my virginity at 19 you have mental issues bad ones get help.


GROSS, don't quote my post you disgusting non-virg. I only listen to pure virg ugly whomos.


you havent been going to therapy like your meant too i can tell


File: 1478822029392.jpg (116.72 KB, 1024x576, bunne and ciken.jpg)

If we ask really politely, I'm sure someone can draw a picture of ren-chon with her chicken on her head playing with chino-chan with her bunny on her head.


File: 1478825856799.jpg (48.9 KB, 720x480, pumpkin.scissors.06.jpg)

This anime…


File: 1478825954615.jpg (48.88 KB, 720x480, pumpkin.scissors.06..jpg)

Is going on my top 10…


What % power should I use my microwave at??


Over 9000


File: 1478829221967.jpg (411.39 KB, 1280x720, solo wing.jpg)

/what/min just del /t-p/.
the fag-bullies have no grasp on coherency and the fags themselves have no grasp on reality.

just delete the whole thing and start again from zero.


what's /t-p/


test-php, it looks like some kind of IRC chatlog.


a post got del'd


File: 1478891688359.mp3 (15.3 MB, Ghost Whisper (Ghost in Th….mp3)



how do i beecome a delicate /what/flower?


dress in gothic lolita clothing


going to watch a mobie soon, i don't know which one though.


i will make a new thread when this one falls near the bottom of the first page, so DO NOT make one yourself /what/min otherwise I'll get grrrr!


File: 1479036690477.jpg (7.43 KB, 128x212, 12745547_945236868886392_5….jpg)


Hitler should've won, I would've been born as a beautiful ubermensch with plenty of lebensraum.

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