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>feel when no katawa shoujo gf


shy girls are cute


Maybe there's a real burn victim girl out there who gained confidence from all the smoothskins who like Katawa Shoujo.

It wouldn't work if she was full ghoul-mode unfortunately.


Burn scars are very very ugly, probably one of the ugliest kind of deformation you can suffer. I really doubt it.


Why can't real life be as aesthetic as anime? when will evolution solve this


There are a lot worse deformations like acid burn scars, elephantiasis, acne and leprosy.
I'd date a cute girl/birl with burn scars as long as her face doesn't look like it's melted.


Just because elephantiasis is uglier doesn't means burn scars aren't. You really need a dose of reality if you think it isn't a major deformity. I have a burn scar on my arm and I know how ugly and conspicuous it can look.


It depends on the severity of the burn and the area that got burned, as long as you don't look like Freddy Krueger or it's a girl that burned off her breasts I doubt a lot of people would care. If you didn't burn your face people won't even be able to tell that you got scars and even if your hands got burned you can just wear gloves over them or something.


no it's ugly ugly ugly ugly stop disagreeing with me


I'm sure you're not ugly even with your scars… Please don't be sad!






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Severe acne is only better than burn scars because it can go away. If I had to choose between burn scars or permanent severe acne I would easily choose the burn scars. Burn scars can at least be cool in a way, you get to look like a monster, severe acne all over your face can't ever look good in anyway.


I love fallout :)

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