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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1475323241537.jpg (158.32 KB, 1268x792, __hiiragi_kagami_lucky_sta….jpg)


nerve endings can be trigged to fire by radio waves was discovered near 60 years ago

if you don't understand the implications of this then your a fucking tard


can't wait to get my electromagnetic gf to make me cum with her radio waves!


can't wait to get paid to torture you because you're a degenerate loser


wtf? weirdo.


shut up slave


pls step on my dick while wearing a skirt and thigh highs


File: 1475330326168.jpg (113.06 KB, 600x600, __hiiragi_kagami_lucky_sta….jpg)

you're ugly no thanks


call me pathetic too


File: 1475360019911.png (621.14 KB, 900x1200, __hiiragi_kagami_lucky_sta….png)


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