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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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 No.5990[View All]

This is the official (100% retard approved) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
320 posts and 128 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I just found out this site existed, basically an underground mostly female bitch club from /cgl/, and it's quite actively posted on.

This shit is blowing my mind, I want to study all this content but it's too much for me to take in all at once.


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Girls need an outlet for their bullying urges.


Why are girls such bullies? They shouldn't bully people.


Known about it for years it's pretty gruesome tbh


Are there any nice internet communities



Get to it, boys.





menma dies…


Lelouch survives at the end of Code Geass, it is a meme to say that he dies, it's just to trick people into believing they had the show spoiled.


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look everybody it's chunners


cute chunners!


I'm going to get the quads for maki, just you wait and see guys!


That's a very erotic outfit


i wanna be smothered by chun li's thighs


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Chunners is my gf.


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she's ok I guess


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You guess?


I don't like chunners big girl thighs, they make me really jealous and it's why none of my girlpants fit me properly…


Maybe none of them fit you properly because you're a scrawny little boy?


I accidentally hit my head on a pot then slammed it against the fridge.

I felt dizzy and sick afterwards, felt kind of "slow". I got two bumps from it.


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uh, it was chinese, dumb bitch.


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That's called a concussion and it can be deadly. Did you pass out at all (even for a moment)?
If you did, you should go see a doctor right away. Otherwise you need to rest a lot before you resume your normal activities. If you still feel dizzy or nauseous after a day, you should probably see a doctor too - even if you didn't pass out, the persistence of the symptoms would be of concern and might suggest that it's a more serious head injury.

I'm a qualified /what/doctor btw, I'm like a /which/doctor which is a pun on witch doctor.


I really don't get why this is a bad thing. If someone's Asian they're more likely to know an Asian language, duh. I mean if I asked a Latino kid to read something in Spanish for me I doubt they'd be offended.

If this girl could read it, I doubt she'd be "offended".


I think i'm coming down with a fever :^)


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What sort of emotion is this expression supposed to convey?




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She's no Juri


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Juri is cool and all, but she's got nothing on my Chunny bunny.


street fighter girls are pretty ugly


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oh I guess sakura is cute and so is ibuki and erena and makoto but none of the other ones


we get it, there are homos on /what/ you don't have to say it at every opportunity you get


Doesn't SNK release official as in official SNK brand doujinshi of fatal fighter?

I'm pretty confused as to why CapCom and Namco just don't do this too.

The women characters have just become sex symbols on purpose.

Might as well make quality doujinshi and then cash out on the market that already wants it.


Yeah I was a bit worried but I'm fine.

I couldn't be a fighter I guess, wouldn't be able to stand getting punched so much.


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This color palette is so good, fucking gradients and shit? There ain't no gradients in new anime.


The majority the entire animation industry in Japan has given up on anime. They just gave up.


Is that all of the animators are Koreans and Viets?


what's this?


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Oh, I thought that leg looked familiar


did I get hacked


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It's been non-stop for 5 days now…my lips have gone purple. We've been cuddling, making-out, some sex and lots and lots of shopping, he bought me a whole wardrobe of girls clothes (so much for no longer wearing them since he loves me in them) and took me out to so many restaurants and soon he's going to redesign my apartment…we have even talked about marriage..

We've become love drunk with each other to the point of obsession and I love it.


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That sounds nice!


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It has been very nice, we went to a fancy Chinese/Japanese buffet place on the 2nd date and we had the best time, wonton soup is the most amazing thing ever more so when you're on a date with someone you like.

I wish I didn't have to use a stepping stool when we kiss but it works out in the end.



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