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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1466709554640.jpg (27.08 KB, 485x395, 1466632251624.jpg)


looking for boy friendos


who are your boyfriens


all the boys


im a boy


File: 1466710813431.png (883.39 KB, 859x589, lnjpj0i09j.png)

want to be my boyfriend


will you rub cummers with me?



kill yourself


File: 1466712515233.png (207.38 KB, 600x600, __hiiragi_kagami_lucky_sta….png)

no that's gay.


but that's what boyfriends do and i really want to rub yours


you can rub mine but i'm not touching yours


ok i can do that, can we also cuddle in bed and kiss?


File: 1466713257114.png (368.44 KB, 626x885, __hiiragi_kagami_lucky_sta….png)

where would we kiss anon


i want to kiss you all over but we can start with the lips


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would you kiss me on the cummer after?


File: 1466740715608.png (333.3 KB, 600x674, __hiiragi_kagami_lucky_sta….png)

whatfriend doko

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