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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1465212182721.png (487.13 KB, 720x540, bulma.png)

 No.3798[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (0% flags) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


File: 1465212374674.png (281.16 KB, 829x337, 1233845615876.png)

found this epic old picture on /what/min's HDD disk drive after hacking his dox, thought you guys would like to see it~!


did you get his dix pix?


Oh my god I'm exhausted I just want to go home and snuggle up next to mom she's always so warm cause she spends the night in bed


>How do I set up a SAMBA server?

I only have a public samba server (no passwords, anyone can see) for transferring files to Windows computers if I have to. Here's my /etc/samba/smb.conf for that: http://pastebin.com/ZYTQGrUP

Very simple, the only other thing I do is start samba with systemd, "systemctl start smbd nmbd".

I used to have a more complex configuration, I don't remember any of it. Samba configuration can get very complex, I don't understand much of it myself. man smb.conf will help.

What else is on the test other than samba? Do they ask about NFS or SSH/SFTP? That's way simpler. One day I spent a bunch of time reading the entire sshd_config manpage, and other documentation, and wrote a pretty secure/good and simple sshd_config with public-key authentication: http://pastebin.com/QDxtubjw


Do you love your mommy very much?




Doesn't everyone


Oh I didn't realize I was talking with the resident crackhead Mexican with FAS and an Oedipus complex, carry on.


Please recommend me a good and simple alternative to Gmail.






i had a dream where i went to my IRL high school friendo's house and I was going to tell her something but I don't know exactly what it was and she was so patient and caring and she knew it had to be important for me to be there but I ended up just saying "Sorry for visiting you uninvited." and then i left and cried a little as I walked off.

Even in my dreams I'm still just as sad and lonely.

Thank you for your hard work. I will do my ganbarre in the test today.


i tried to make an ssh server on my computer so i could copy anime to my laptop this weekend but then i got stuck and gave up because i couldnt connect from my laptop even though it worked on my computer i think ill give it another try in a few days


Whatever distro you're using should come with an ssh server that just works, you just have to turn it on, no configuration needed, then go to your laptop and "ssh <user on your desktop>@<local IP of desktop>"

Or in a file manager enter "sftp://<user on your desktop>@<local IP of desktop>", and then you can watch anime on your desktop from your laptop.

Good luck


yeah but i tried to do the public keys and it didnt work and i got frustrated


I'll try to simplify it compared to most online instructions.

On your laptop run "ssh-keygen" as your regular user (not root). This will create a private/public key pair in ~/.ssh

Copy the content of the public key on your laptop (ending in .pub) into a file on your desktop called ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Then edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config on your desktop to add:

AuthenticationMethods publickey

Then once you restart sshd on your desktop, everything should just work.


File: 1465256064781.png (2.65 MB, 1280x720, [naisho] Mahoutsukai Precu….png)



oh i was putting the public key on my computer hehe


File: 1465292375840.jpg (38.32 KB, 337x431, yryrylaugh.gif.jpg)


I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN
But I'm not sure I can tell you the difference in Iraq and Iran


interesting video….


File: 1465311884368.png (2.78 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-06-07-065401_1920x108….png)

>this isn't fake


Am I supposed to be impressed


Looks like a videogame screenshot


I was pulling out of the convienent store and a black guy came running out from the corner and he was wearing a skirt and leggings and running like a bitch I think he was going to the community college down the street and then I was on the main road and I turn to my left and see 4 bums smoking on the ramp thing of a McDonald's passing around a black bag


God bless America.


I think I'm gonna drink like half of 25 oz then throw the rest away


No one wants to hear about you, retard. Tell more stories about your mom.






he's asking about your mom.

could it be possible haysuz is like norman from bates motel?


File: 1465327161362.jpg (765.97 KB, 2894x4093, mumei (koutetsujou no kaba….jpg)

for /what/min


File: 1465330055122.jpg (175.58 KB, 794x592, wod.jpg)

They stole our meme!


File: 1465336971675.jpg (86.88 KB, 1920x1080, 1421220920423.jpg)

Well did he/she whip it out or…?




File: 1465338707658.jpg (19.27 KB, 720x480, dvd_snapshot_00.43.58_[201….jpg)

I'm watching Texhnolyze and I can hardly finish the 2nd episode….

Send help.


Yeah, and he fucked her right in the pussy.


File: 1465339425636.png (1.72 MB, 1024x725, whatmin and whatfriends.png)

I only really liked Ran and the piano music.


That show is my shit right there boy I never and still don't know how to feel about it (happy or sad) it have me weird feelers but gosh dang it that is my shit right there


File: 1465341303197.png (870.51 KB, 1280x720, hmph.png)

Thanks very much.


Haven't watched anything in months I think I'm dying…



They missed a whole word when they translated the title….


File: 1465408836274.jpg (16.51 KB, 213x360, noodleslhs.jpg)

don't call me hairy or stinky on /t-p/ I'm none of those things…


File: 1465415179745.jpg (66.97 KB, 600x602, end of bernie.jpg)



I told them to stop bullying you. t-p is just going through a phase.


I hope the noodles bully literally FUCKING DIES of natural causes at an age appropriate to his life expectancy.


Let's not wish death on anyone.


Ugh, spelt pasta is too chewy.


4pee don't forget that if you ever feel you need to post a google streetview scrot, ni-shichi-acht-acht is your safe space~!



File: 1465444911130.gif (1.99 MB, 304x380, omg.gif)

Just whacked it to this.


File: 1465445931603.png (2.94 MB, 1920x1080, ayyo hol up.png)

I'll post where I want!




no /whack/ing allowed…


File: 1465450921224.jpg (29.58 KB, 311x167, r9k.jpg)

/t-p/ was a mistake.


Yes, you piece of shit.


don't bully /t-p/!


don't be sad noodles, no one believes anything the bullies say about you!!



No shit! You stupid homo



You only say that because your enamored with him. I believe them….


i would never believe a bully that bullies my frens


File: 1465472341111.jpg (62.29 KB, 560x760, Copy.jpg)

Don't worry, I like stinky boys.




I had to do a handstand to read that please don't do that again because I fell on my head and it hurts


I thought you never took sides on anything you were supposed to be a pacifist


It's 1gooey…


4pq isn't a pacifist, he is literally jihading against the m00slims and niggers in and around NJ, reclaiming the shithole in the name of the rightful owners - white circumcized christian gayboys.


every portuguese ive ever seen or met is hairy stinky with dark yellowish skin and a big gut sometimes they have moustaches too and youre portuguese so youre lying


i don't think you actually ever met any.


File: 1465487788577.jpg (83.35 KB, 608x648, 1463209732894.jpg)

I can confirm this, Portugal is a hairy stinky moor monkey subhuman. Not worse than Spain, but really close.


Post proof then



No, you should prove me that he isn't.


Guilty until proven innocent? What kind of unamerican piece of garbage are you


File: 1465488310914.png (680.97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tanaka-kun ….png)

stop bullying or else


You're the one making a claim and implying you know him.


You made a claim that he isn't.
Fact: most people living in Portugal are Subhuman
Fact: Portugal poster is with a high probability, one of them
Not Proven: Portugal is white

It's like you want me to prove that god doesn't exist. You made the claim first that he is not a subhuman.


No, you made the claim first. And you said you can confirm it. And did you get those ``facts'' straight out of /pol/int/?


File: 1465499574905.mp3 (2.75 MB, 16 Half A Dozen Provocativ….mp3)




At least they are not afraid to tell the truth unlike people you.


>It's like you want me to prove that god doesn't exist

Damn, really makes u think…


god is real


I just went on 4's /trash/ to see what it was and found out it's essentially /fur/.

Despite his flaws, I know moot would have never let that happen.


File: 1465519370755.jpg (97.27 KB, 850x850, 1408501610468.jpg)

Remember that's the same guy who deleted /pol/ only to later bring it back…

He probably would of made a whole board for them.


>He probably would of made a whole board for them.

He did… and then he permabanned everyone who posted there.


i want it to go back to how it was before, like what the "shut up, homos!" guy wanted.


I remember when I was one of the pioneers of the #slaythegay campaign when it was still effective. I was being ironic that time but now I genuinely wish I could burn all homos into a crackling firepit like the faggots they are and I've made this my life's goal to get rid the world of Sparky clones.


Nice fake story


File: 1465579905759.jpg (25.61 KB, 367x360, 1033.jpg)

test me…


Cute fake story.


File: 1465581972700.jpg (110.61 KB, 702x483, fujiyama-san~~~.jpg)



great post as usual tna-sama



shut up homo!


File: 1465587363202.jpg (192.8 KB, 750x563, 1464831272623.jpg)

picture of doge !!


File: 1465587783006.webm (1.08 MB, 841x458, doge.webm)



I like that picture!


Highly weird breed…


File: 1465590768221.png (543.12 KB, 800x800, 36799908.png)

I just finished playing Majikoi.

Kokoro, Wanko, Tatsuko, Mayucchi, and Margit are my top 5 favorite girls.


I have never finished a VN, but have probably started 20+ of them.


File: 1465605101378.png (220.38 KB, 1600x900, 1456328180507-2.png)

Playing DooM II for 3 and a half hours while blasting metal music makes me very dizzy and nauseated…

Killed a total of 1350 monsters before I had to quit.



File: 1465609674000.png (48.83 KB, 315x315, 1318823326734.png)


NEET gays!


Did MC Ride basically just copy this guy's style?


File: 1465619390725.mp3 (14.62 MB, 03 - Devotion.mp3)

In a way yes. Death Grips only got as big as they did because of exposure brought to them by luck in the form of a free mix tape…

I don't hate Death Grips though their style and B L A C K I E' S differ in just enough ways that Death Grips isn't a total copy-cat.


File: 1465620209432.mp3 (8.68 MB, 04. sou/Vo. witch - Signs ….mp3)

You could blame /mu/ and Pitchfork for Death Grips over shadowing B L A C K I E but I would rather not go there…


tbh I thought I was pretty normie but tonight I went with my mom to a friend's house I haven't seen in like a year and 90% of the stuff they were talking about like sports and tv shows I had literally no idea what it was.


File: 1465682920477.mp3 (25.83 MB, 14 Ege - Campanilleros.mp3)



File: 1465698139113.mp3 (7.4 MB, 05 Hustle Bones.mp3)

I love death grips


File: 1465704879172.webm (404.97 KB, 640x360, nee.webm)

Requested by /tp/


File: 1465709779899.png (2.41 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-06-12-013526_1920x108….png)

Downloaded American Truck Simulator


File: 1465715818106.webm (509.22 KB, 400x224, white people and crocodil….webm)



File: 1465718868779.mp3 (5.59 MB, 02 - 8films.mp3)

i love uchu conbini


Doumo arigatou mister roboto!


I love playing this and Euro Truck Simulator.


File: 1465773718920.png (298.22 KB, 555x555, 1463028529443.png)


So the place I lived in all my life used to be a capital for serial killers, interesting knowing this…since I never really knew my Dad and no one in my family likes bringing him up.

"London Chamber Maid Slayer" has got to be one of the better names for a killer I've heard..


File: 1465777517580.jpg (44.04 KB, 497x500, 宇宙コンビニ - 月の反射でみてた.jpg)

me too I like this one


are you a serial killer too? Is it genetic?


File: 1465789791466.jpg (200.25 KB, 500x667, 1451686228664-0.jpg)

I have no idea, there seems to be no solid answer on what makes a serial killer. Some say it's environmental and use someone like John Wayne Gacy as their example to that claim because of his awful childhood.

While others say it's genetic while using someone like Dennis Rader for their example. As he didn't show any of the signs of being abused as a child and was even a well respected member of society. His own kids even told who he would take them out fishing and how supportive of a father figure he was.

Then you got people like Harold Shipman and the whole thing turns into a cluster fuck…

Maybe it's a mix of both.


File: 1465793974157.jpg (32.96 KB, 600x399, crying-baby.jpg)

I miss T-sama!!!!!!



File: 1465794570993.jpg (63.58 KB, 640x812, 6654.jpg)

Some program just asked for permission to run even though I never clicked on anything…


File: 1465794991619.jpg (78.02 KB, 388x375, 343.jpg)

It was me, I hacked ya


Install (Gentoo) Linux


File: 1465795659637.jpg (65.65 KB, 499x560, bitch.jpg)

You son of a bitch…


File: 1465805432654.png (44.44 KB, 319x115, shot0001.png)

>watching camwhores
>see "DMCA protected" watermark on a stream
>downloading her video is as easy as youtube-dl <link>
>laugh at how dumb she is and lose erection


>see a 4pq post
>get erection


umm, downloading it isn't copyright infringement, you have to download it to access it to begin with.


Yes you're technically downloading the video when you view it in your browser, but these camwhores specifically don't like you saving their streams to your hard drive (or a block device accessible to your computer since you like being a smartass). Many of them have recorded videos of their previous streams for sale, so someone using a tool like youtube-dl to save their streams is "stealing".


File: 1465813224543.png (216.65 KB, 577x886, 12977e0c3ad93032d9eee1c427….png)

I wasn't trying to be mean to you when I called you a smartass by the way, it's just banter.


they might not like it, but it isn't stealing or copyright infringement. I couldn't imagine any court in a halfway-decent country that would find it a form of copyright infringement - UNLESS you then redistributed your downloaded copy.

Otherwise it's no different to recording a tv broadcast for your own private/domestic use. It's a copy that you've made, but no one would think of it as copyright infringement unless you redistributed it or re-broadcast it in public etc. Recording stuff in itself isn't really copyright infringement.


Whether or not it counts as copyright infringement, the purpose of the DMCA watermark is because she doesn't want people saving local copies of her streams, especially if they redistribute them online.

I believe downloading her stream with youtube-dl would violate the DMCA, if not then a team of reptilian Netflix lawyers could make it so in court.


>I believe downloading her stream with youtube-dl would violate the DMCA
Not any more than DVR or a tape or something. Redistribution isn't allowed but saving a copy or personal use is. The streamer can say it's illegal and put watermarks on it (since the DMCA itself is in the public domain) but that doesn't mean they're right.

Downloading stuff off Netflix isn't illegal either, just a violation of their ToS.


> Many of them have recorded videos of their previous streams for sale

Movies are for sale on blu ray but you can still record them.


File: 1465845402771.png (2.34 MB, 1763x956, serveimage.png)

>Not any more than DVR or a tape or something.

Or copying a movie from a DVD, even for personal storage without re-distribution.

Look I never meant to imply anything about whether or not it's actually illegal. I was just making fun of some camwhore for thinking that the DMCA watermark would do anything to prevent what she wants it to.

Tell that to the FBI, criminal.

It's more comparable to bringing a video camera into a movie theater and recording the movie. It's certainly against the movie theater's policy, but probably demonstrably illegal if someone with enough money really wanted to make an example out of you. These guys would probably fuck you up.



File: 1465851976908.png (754.38 KB, 993x878, post-modern-yuuko.png)

Not sure why I make these…


File: 1465852312196.gif (1.56 MB, 600x338, autism.gif)

I think you know.


File: 1465852544824.png (1.37 MB, 993x878, post-post-modern yuuko.png)


File: 1465852696413.png (124.53 KB, 661x640, yuuko3.png)

You're just jealous you can't reach such high.



File: 1465852869953.jpg (111.98 KB, 458x413, yuuko [sun glasses].jpg)

Nice, I think I'll print that one out and frame it on my wall with a crocked frame for extra deep meaning…



This fly could buzz around my whole house but the stupid cunt has to keep landing right next to me.


This mouse could make it's home anywhere in my house and it chose the ceiling right above my bed.



File: 1465877185287.png (174.88 KB, 640x480, 1406232437479.png)

I just finished watching Seven Pounds.

That movie was like The Descendants with the depression cranked to eleven…

Thank fuck I live alone, that was hard to watch.
just fuck my shit up.


File: 1465878799493.gif (2.61 MB, 400x225, 1421932188898.gif)

I wish I could have held whatmin's petite little hand as he cried like a little bitch at this movie


what's the difference?


File: 1465879377736.png (386.35 KB, 641x600, image.png)

Not me.


File: 1465880010671.png (316.64 KB, 796x712, 1437024890344.png)


Also, I totally didn't cry..
That's something fags do.


You cried, you pussy.


File: 1465893410806.png (128.99 KB, 1102x658, 2016-06-14-043513_1920x108….png)



File: 1465901928055.jpg (223 KB, 801x771, suit.jpg)

"Nobody looks big in a suit, excluding pro bodybuilders who end up looking like retarded boss characters from a video game."


File: 1465902025896.png (75.63 KB, 694x1200, 1450264166158.png)

is betsubees betsuknees draw friendo around?


I didn't get to watch my weekly episode of tamayura and now I've been grumpy the whole week!


You forgot /bun/…


Is this the whole of expanded /jp/verse?


It's the 'Myst…' tab




what's so?


you, buckaroo


dont post that


They look so cool


what's wrong with it?
are you the one that drew it?


don't ask questions just don't post it


File: 1465949005029.png (75.63 KB, 694x1200, 1450264166158.png)



can you please respond?



File: 1465972033989.png (Spoiler Image, 756.27 KB, 1045x1500, p_026.png)



File: 1465976196733.mp4 (20.19 MB, 1024x768, 01.mp4)



File: 1465976220746.mp4 (16.13 MB, 1024x768, 02.mp4)

Same match




/t-p/ got that shit smell again lmao


there are lots of frames that don't render in the videos, most prominent on each of the last eliminations.

confirmed for hax/aimbot/video editing to make yourself look better lmao you're such a fucking whore. rude saging.


Reported to the hack police.


Can someone please draw an anigirl in an alligator costume with her hands together (danbooru calls it "v_arms") and she's saying:
アリゲーター アリガトウ

I was going to ask betsuni bee /what/friend to do it because i know he likes puns and stuff like that but someone just kept telling me not to post his image and that made me sad, so I don't know anymore, it's not even a very good joke or anything nevermind forget about it i gotta type up a report or something and


Yeah that's a bug with CSGO demos.

On the last kills it tends to just skip a lot.


sorry. I like that joke. I'm not an artist so it's hazukashii when you post the betsubee picture.


File: 1466081331880.gif (149.67 KB, 500x519, 1458352507732.gif)


You created art so that makes you an artist!


File: 1466126840822.webm (17.28 MB, 1096x616, 2016-06-16-2011-14.webm)



File: 1466128544477.webm (14.47 MB, 1096x616, 2016-06-16-2117-32.webm)



You playing your DDR again son?


File: 1466131273648.webm (Spoiler Image, 4.2 MB, 464x344, miko_cosplay_bj.webm)

No I'm looking at gay porno…

Go back to snorting coke with cheap prostitutes…I have no Father.


when i tried to click on it before it told me that i "fucking broke it"…


lilith is a girl's name!


File: 1466166626956.jpg (316.44 KB, 1322x1610, me.jpg)

Here's a picture of me after Trump turned me into a real anime girl!


I bought a donut tomorrow and I thought of elsy…


stop posting politics please


I want the next blog thread to be the 0% fags blog thread


I want the next blog thread to be the 100% fags blog thread


.what.min pls post saten picture/


File: 1466177234926.jpg (179.36 KB, 1900x1750, e5467a69e6f9d5393a2d792053….jpg)

here's me


File: 1466186199279.jpg (42.04 KB, 580x789, 1459468521813.jpg)

Sweet dreams are made of babysitter sweater pups


are you creeping on your tard wrangler?


File: 1466212191356.png (1.66 MB, 1920x1080, muslim bomb shop.png)

I never finished OoT Master Quest so I started playing it last night. I'm just avoiding all side-quests and unnecessary stuff, already at fire temple.


by ignoring all of the side stuff you're taking away a large portion of the experience of that game.


I don't think you understand how many times I've beat the normal game throughout my life. I've completed the game 100% before.

I just wanted to see how fast I could play through the alternate dungeons.


oh, is master quest different? i thought it was just a remake or something, so when you said you never finished it i thought that meant you never went through that stuff before


Yeah in master quest the dungeons are different, I don't think anything else is though.

The dungeons got completely redesigned, and there's more enemies.


File: 1466217762382.mp4 (10.34 MB, 320x240, Air Farce - A Politically ….mp4)



File: 1466218412878.swf (4.4 MB, Gay_Test.swf)



File: 1466219732064.swf (475.26 KB, emoduck.swf)



File: 1466219780887.swf (1.15 MB, mikomiko.swf)



I love miko miko nurse


File: 1466223666599.mp4 (8.6 MB, 480x360, Aceman - Da shit.mp4)



Same, I've been going through my old flash files and Youtube favorites.

Some many memories..


File: 1466223893769.mp4 (15.89 MB, 540x360, 【Audio Drama】【English Subb….mp4)

Oh how could I have forgotten about this gem….


File: 1466223937531.mp4 (11.44 MB, 480x360, 【Audio Drama】【English Subb….mp4)


Why is SSFOS "suspended"?


File: 1466225150158.jpg (48.92 KB, 750x600, 1379813142709.jpg)

I'm pretty sure it was because someone posted loli which was against that site's server TOS…


I didn't see any loli posted last time




File: 1466240203156.jpg (264.21 KB, 1024x768, 1348490451724.jpg)


All of you are NERDOS


File: 1466248668284.jpg (748.05 KB, 1300x919, bf.jpg)

Here's a picture of my bf that I took while we were traveling around the world.


That's not a boy…


umi is a girl dont be mean to her


File: 1466255484327.png (629.7 KB, 1280x720, 1366296931110.png)



File: 1466279215407.jpg (70.55 KB, 1280x720, 1415214552711.jpg)

Cute Saten pic!


File: 1466283739997.mp3 (14.4 MB, 02 - Sonic - All I Wanna D….mp3)

The crescendo followed by the breakdown is amazing…


File: 1466314813109.png (614.5 KB, 1920x1080, 2spooky.png)



File: 1466364872814.png (27.24 KB, 347x539, 1438711711145.png)

It actually worked and tasted good.

I made pancakes with honey, cinnamon and cookies and cream spread mixed into the batter. I had to heat the C&C spread until it was the same constancy as the batter and not thick like peanut butter but it worked.


I wish I had a bf that cooked me breakfast


File: 1466368236803.jpg (140.01 KB, 800x800, 1427989665412.jpg)

I ended up making more than I could eat…
But I ate it all anyway.


File: 1466369414525.png (1.1 MB, 1000x1412, hacka doll 3 (hacka doll) ….png)

I really want to eat your pancake…


File: 1466370422991.jpg (3.78 MB, 2132x2987, --original-drawn-by-kyuri-….jpg)

I would hope you'd like it.
I tend to go overboard with adding things, I was thinking of adding bananas and strawberries to that and powdered sugar to but I didn't have any of that in my kitchen…


That sounds very ii ne, I'm sure you'll make a lucky /what/boy very happy one day!


I want to be that /what/boy…


hot erp going on in /t-p/ right now but i'm not feeling horny right now…


File: 1466380847156.mp3 (14.54 MB, 10 - D Kay & Rawfull - Dir….mp3)

Yeah..one day.
If only that were possible.


This is a sentence

This is a sentence

This is a sentence


File: 1466474166712.png (854.16 KB, 840x1000, sad.png)

No /what/friend will ever stick his penis in me, what's the point in even living?
i hate this.


File: 1466477903928.png (495.94 KB, 600x1016, 40660460_p21.png)

I know that feeling…


What are the feet saying?


the pleasure of being cummed inside


File: 1466491464815.png (44.29 KB, 183x304, heh.png)


I'll stick my less than average p*nis inside both of you!



File: 1466522677382.png (44.29 KB, 183x304, 1247492542568.png)

just signed a suicide pact with a couple of my /what/friends haha LOL! xD ( >,<)


Don't do that!


File: 1466533682885.png (91.59 KB, 609x282, Stallmansama.png)

Why…who would pay for that…


File: 1466535516806.png (138.64 KB, 424x470, 1410646328462.png)

I ended up being on call today and to spend this free time I have to fix my oscillating fan motor and it's hot and I now smell like grease…

At least I made the smart move of taking engine repair in high school.


File: 1466539419107.jpg (25.68 KB, 500x492, 90de7ca01997483eeb9f63d8ac….jpg)

All that and it turns out a wire broke of its soldering and I don't have a soldering kit…

Might as well just buy a new fan.


File: 1466541353609.png (324.32 KB, 800x1163, 1461605271182.png)

>Random 70-80mph winds out of nowhere

heh is that all you got God?


today my brother and dad were cutting down a big tree and the wind blew it almost onto their house. I guess there was no damage though so it turned out okay.


rly want to wildly blow a /what/friend at 70-80mph…..


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boys and boyaccessories


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A fan of 69.


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Did you get your onahole in time /what/min?


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I found /what/min's secret stash of cute saten+uiharu pictures!


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You mean you searched saten_ruiko and uiharu_kazaru on gelbooru?


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No, he has them in storage and didn't want to share.


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Yeah I did. My expectations were too high, so it didn't really compare to what I imagined, but it still feels good.

I originally thought it was too tight/rough, but I liked it a lot more after I bought another onahole, and that one was so tight/rough that it was painful to use, and I also broke a hole through the back of it after only 5 uses or so. It was a waste of money for me and I'm probably just gonna throw it out.


omg u hacked him im calling the FBI


He likes it when i poke around his backend…..


My favorite pixiv artist deleted all the stuff on his pixiv and his tumblr and his twitter too.

why he shinderu himself?


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We are confronted on all sides by traitors and autism, with no end in sight


i hope you learned a valuable lesson on the importance of archiving artists work


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Very ii ne!




Do people unironically listen to gay weeb music?


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File: 1466711191381.webm (2.17 MB, 600x450, sheep.webm)


did he died


He got right back up and wasn't hurt, I've seen the full video.


omg poor sheep :(


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I visited my sister again at my Mother's place, I went there to get my birth certificate and watch dumb things on Youtube with my sister like idubbbz.

Something odd happened when I found my B.C. and that was the last name on it…I legally have two last names. When I asked my Mom about it she she went blank and said "don't worry about it." I didn't say anything after that…

When I look at myself and my other siblings a lot of things don't add up like how I'm the only male with blue eyes and is short. I hope something isn't being hidden from me.


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Congrats, you're adopted.


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I hope that isn't the case but if it is….it could be worse, I guess..


I wouldn't mind adopting a /what/friend…


That sucks


Your mother fucked a couple of guys


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it's hooooot!

i'm sitting here with nothing but my panties on and i'm still sweating….


take them off


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Just heard some car drive by with nigger bass so loud I felt the vibrations in my house.


Thug a thugger shit right there homie


File: 1466733711661.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 37.02 MB, 852x480, 東方コスックス - Reimu and Reisen….mp4)

Guess I'll post this here…

Maybe, I hardly know and I hardly care what she did. I'm too busy worrying about myself or my sister.


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Happy Independence Day Britbrongs/deji.


It's two years away you retard




rule britannia
brittania rule the waves…


/what/min why did you del stuff on /up/??


I've never watched lucky star, but seeing this horny lonely lucky star anibabe all over /what/ has got me interested.
Should I watch lucky star?


It's OK


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Don't do it man…

Just don't.


File: 1466751416442.mp4 (5.12 MB, 480x360, Series of Tubes Music Vide….mp4)

Am I old for remembering this video?

Because now I feel old.


I hope not…


I read most of the manga and I liked it a lot.


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Sincerely no, unless you're still getting horny from anime like that it's pretty boring.


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Hairy boosy………


If you think that's hairy you should see my mom.


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fee rly bad rn wnt 2 di evrything gon ewrong no erscape


I saw a lot of bees today when I went outside and it made me really happy because I thought the bees were dying but they seem to be doing fine around here!


why would the bees be dying i don't wakaranai


Someone said so on /nen/…



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Just had to have another insomnia episode.
Just had to buy and drink a bunch of coffee to keep myself awake.
Just had to ignore the fact that 29hrs without sleep plus coffee makes my heart act all fucky, makes me loopy and possibly start hallucinating…

I have to now leave in 20 minutes to touch-base with people.



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I don't know what touch-base means??


when you play baseball and you are running around the bases if you run past a base only touchingh it and you plan to stop at the next base you are touch base.


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I made it there, almost puked from the heat and I zoned-out while walking through traffic but I did it.

I meant I was giving them a run down on my progress with my work, I'm trying to push for more involvement for that Youth Committee.

4 days a week and doing only 6 hours is hardly enough.


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On an unrelated note I found this album:

Anime sound samples and breakbeat is a good combo.


ii nee


vixenvy has been my fav artist for the last few months but I didn't really like Death much…
I wish I could figure out where the samples were from in Tea Time but I can't pick them out:


File: 1466828073404.mp3 (1.84 MB, beeeeeee bop.mp3)

this is BEEEEEEEEEEE bop


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The FCC has a pretty cool symbol.


/what/min take /butt/ off the menu RIGHT FUCKING NOW
It should be hidden. GRRRrrrr~!


It's K-On!
The bell melody is partially lifted from U&I ~夕日の綺麗なあの丘で~ (the season 2 soundtrack version of U&I)

I'm Riajuu, sorry about DEATH


I used to apologize for my music too. Please don't apologize. Did bandcamp tell you where it was linked from?


Yes. Hello /what/! Goodbye /what/.


wait, what happened to the ichigo10 split? pls complete with vix one day.


His track was too good and it made me embarrassed of my own.
Vixenvy never made any more tracks on the theme.
It was supposed to be a 10th anniversary thing anyway so now the moment has passed.
Maybe we'll try again for the 15th anniversary.


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Loving World Order's stuff:

Wow..didn't think this would happen, I bought two of your albums…


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I'll never be a Japanese synchronized dancing salary man getting pushed back and forth at an airport.


Thank god for small mercies.


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elsy never returned from her journey….


Ze's in a better place.



elsy is dead. Elsy was gang raped by niggas.
Elsy was literally ripped apart!

rest in pieces……


*mirai posts*


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Every time…


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volume warning


Looks really old but nice. I like the part where she lifts her head up a little bit.


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There's a 4 episode OVA made in 1995, and there's a 47 episode TV show made in 1996. The visual quality in the TV show is a lot worse, and that clip was from the OP of the TV show. This is the OP of the OVA, notice the difference in quality.


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Being a wealthy man in ancient Rome would be better than being a wealthy man now.


I'm poor either way, so.


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Cute as fuck


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tomato soup


I wonder if it has any garlic in it…


who puts garlic in bazil soup


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learning japanese!


I love tomato soup


garlic tomato




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cute as hekk


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I heard you guys like bees.


is that a honey kebab?


It's the bee's house.


But it's just filled with honey, how could the bees survive in there?


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There was a bee in my room today and it was buzzing against my windows trying to get out so I opened the window and let it out, I think I made the bee happy..


mind your own beeswax!


There was a wasp in my house today. It stung me like the asshole it was.


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I decided to watch one of these precure shows and it's actually specifically made for little girls. It kind of makes me sick to think there's a grown ass man watching these little girl animes when he could be watching manly animes like Dragon Ball Z or Avatar: The Last Airbender.


I'm not a grown ass man, I'm a little girl


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Post a picture of your vagina with a time stamp and prove it then, little girl.


What are you, some kind of pedo?


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What are you talking about? This is the proper procedure for this kind of thing.


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I'm just gonna go ahead and tip the feds to you…


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for what


im a grown, ass man :3c


I'm a grown ass, man.


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I'm a ass grown man.


I will fucking KILL /what/min if he makes the next blog thread. He should let /what/friendos make them instead.


shut up nerd bully i'll poop in your mouth


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I want a girl to put her butt on my face!


wibbly wobbly /what/min…

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