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I hear so much bitching about "boomers ruined this" and "boomers took that." Honestly, it kind of bothers me. I promise you this isn't bait. Here is where I'm coming from:

I am 28 years old.
I was raised by boomers.
They taught me responsibility.
They taught me frugality.
They taught me the importance of family.
And they disciplined me sparingly, but fairly. I was spanked a few dozen times for serious offenses. I was grounded about as often. I had a bedtime until grade 7 or so.

So my question is:

Since most of us were raised by boomers, and most of us are intelligent enough to recognize the short-comings of things like massive national debt, student debts, and most of us are self-aware enough to be skeptical about debt in general, then why are we blaming them? The mark of a great generation is one that has a major collective challenge before it, and somehow manages to raise the next generation.

I believe the boomers have accomplished this. Now fight me.

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