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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1524650808090.jpg (144.9 KB, 1050x600, 1521681532543.jpg)



i dont care how retarded and zionist owned trump is, the satisfaction of knowing this entitled cunt and her snobby leftist cult followers had total breakdowns when trump won is enough for me to vote him again in 2020 just to see it again. they are already smug and think he will lose in 2020, they forget so easily.


i too base my political leaning on liberal tears as opposed to policies and platforms I support


yeah becauase Hillary's platform and policies are so fucking great

Kill yourself onionsboy, Trump will win again


that filter is wrong, if boy is after soy it's basedboy


liberals drink water
i say we should hire someone to shit in the public water supply to own the libs

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