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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1524038101190.png (70.28 KB, 393x293, 1479282719051.png)


I got mad and stood up fast and went outside to punch the air and my roommate woke up


File: 1524038644197.png (102.71 KB, 343x357, ne.png)

when i was younger like from ages 10-15 when i would stand up fast from lying or even sitting i would get really bad blackouts/headrushes

sometimes it would result in me collapsing
it went away as i got older and now as an adult almost never happens



It's a drop in blood pressure caused by gravity.


i'm guessing it was a side affect of a growth spurt and circulatory system not growing at the same rate


>Some also report … blurred vision,
When I get it I literally go blind for a few seconds.

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