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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1523809577840.jpg (302.91 KB, 1334x694, fc321eea37b1148848ec738c92….jpg)




Fuck off


File: 1523809731599.png (349.45 KB, 638x480, 0002.png)


It's funny that whatever man wrote this thinks he's smart but doesn't know when to use "less" or "fewer".


sexist/racist mra fedora males are lower than average iq




a chimpanzee has half of "neocortical neurons" of an elephant but still has intelligence much closer of that of a human


How do you know elephants aren't extremely smart?

Maybe smarter than average humans.


File: 1523930007760.jpg (142.88 KB, 1080x1084, ergfhzdv.jpg)





I don't, but the logic of this image is not very sound.


Animal acts are pure evil.


I wasn't ready for these feels.


Bumping to remember tyke before bed


>Animal acts are pure evil.
Then we should eliminate all animals!


Am I supposed to feel pity for the elephant? It looks absolutely terrifying.


So you think ugly creepy looking things should be treated like shit


Uh…yeah? What, are you ugly or something? Don't respond to me again, you're making me feel gross…


Elephants are cute, not ugly and creepy, that one just looks that way because they are shooting at him.


No I agree ugly manlets should be treated without human worth


"It" responded to me, I think I'm going to vomit…


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