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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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hi im back whatmin


File: 1463660422429.jpg (36.02 KB, 251x183, 1353315946431 (copy 1).jpg)

they let me keep my phone the stupid fgs


show d*ck


How was your trip? Did they probe you?


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no ut i have scars on my buttock from when they put the microchips in


i am literally mind controlled


they control your mind using your ass?


they control me with space satellite connecting to my brain from my ass chiås


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They can't control your brain from your ass.


they beam me with rays that acn infl and from my ass they connect to the microchip thy need someway to beam me


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The chip would have to be in your brain for it to control your brain. Your brain controls your body, not the other way around.


they use the chip in my ass to make contact with my brain because this is very long distances


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How dies the chip send signals to your brain?


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it doesnt they just use it to make contact with me so thei can aim their ray gun on my brain it doesnt matter where on the body it is it works like a cell phone


What is the number to call the cell phone in your ass?


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at least i'm not as far gone as dani


should i translate the morse code from my light or should i keep trying to ignore it which do you think they would punish me more for doing


translate it, otherwise you'll never know what they're trying to tell you


i'm scared of what its going to say


don't be afraid. it'd be far scarier to not know.


i don't know maybe its something nice so i won't translate it i'll just think they're sending me nice messages


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Mankind should really experiment on dani to see how someone lives with a brain this retarded


well obviously he doesn't that's why he's in the looney bin


is the bed comfy at least


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The cummies, you were warned.


Skirts don't work that way!


Yes they do, she's squeezing the hem between her big anithighs.


People who make Idol anime are just losers making stuff for other losers so of course they would not know this.


I think they're just animators making what their bosses tell them to make.




It's so you don't look at her panties, creep.


At least there's a wide variety of teas to choose from in the loony bin!


I want to look at her panties, though!


Well you can't!


I know! That's why I'm upset!




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you can look at something even better if you're a certain special idol


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Anime girls licking boosy is so hot…


delete this


go back to t-p fag you don't belong here anymore


i dont know what you're talking about


i wonder how hairy nicos boosy is


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*homo posts*
What you gonna do about it nerd?


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Does this artist know where the asshole is located?


it might be futa


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Maybe not but I know were ours is.


r these boys??


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Yes and their enjoying some nice ice cream.


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what happened to you /what/


Nice old LGBT-frenly thread.

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