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Hi, I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit to post in but I’m not sure where else to post.

I need a doctor or psychologist’s advice about my (20f) roommate (21f) because she has lost her mind and I don’t know what to do about it.

It started on Sunday night. We both got back to school after 10 days of spring break. When she came home she went to my room and started complaining about her break and family and rugby team. For about 2 hours until I finally said I needed to go to bed. I didn’t think much about it because she seemed stressed but figured she just needed to get back in the routine of school and she’d be fine.

On Monday she also came in my room complaining about stuff and I heard her on the phone with her family yelling at them multiple times throughout the day. She was upset because her dad threw away one of her notebooks. I just kind of kept my distance because I didn’t want to deal with it.

Well yesterday is when things got weird. I went into the kitchen to make dinner and she came in and was pacing and fidgeting and finally said “I need to tell you something” and I said okay. And she started saying she has a problem and she realizes she has a problem so she went to talk to someone Monday (a therapist). And I thought that was great because she has depression and anxiety and cuts herself and would never go see a professional. But then she kept talking and wasn’t making any sense. She would start a sentence and then just kind of stumble off and not finish it. Or say random words and look at me and say “you know what I mean”. I couldn’t tell what she was trying to say at all, she wasn’t making any sense.

One example of a sentence she said was “I… when I freak out.. I don’t know. I like things… I don’t know… you know what I mean?” And then looked at me expectantly like I was supposed to respond and tell her I knew what she meant?

This went on the rest of the night. I bought her dinner and made her tea and turned on a movie for her to try to get her to calm down. She seemed okay after the movie so I went to bed.

Well then at 2:30am she barged in my room and turned on the light and was like “I figured it out!!” And started accusing me of talking to her family behind her back to conspire with them to make her go crazy and hit rock bottom. She, again, wasn’t making any sense or completing sentences. Somehow she was saying I was lying about my relationship issues with my bf, lying about going to therapy myself, lying about talking to her boyfriend. And just kept saying “I figured it out. You think I’m crazy but I figured it out” From what I could understand, she seems to think everyone in her life has been talking to eachother behind her back conspiring together to try to make her go crazy. This went on from 2:30am-6am. I had to take her car keys away because she tried driving (in the snow) an hour to her boyfriends house to accuse him.

I have literally no idea what to do. She has actually lost her mind. I want to bring her to the hospital but I don’t think she would agree and she would have to go willingly.

Please help.

TL;DR my roommate has legitimately lost her mind. Can’t form complete sentences and thoughts. I don’t know what to do with her

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