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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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What is it with gays? Their entire identity as a person is tied to what amounts to nothing more than a fetish. They identify with what kind of hole they prefer to put their penis in and nothing more. That's what the rainbow flag represents, you are literally waving a flag denoting your preference for shit holes over piss holes all around the streets. Do they just not know any shame?


>shit holes over piss holes
pee doesn't come out of the hole you fuck in the vagina


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Girls don't pee out their vagina.

They actually have two holes there, one is the urethra, and one is the vagina.

I remember explaining this in front of my cousin and mom and they seemed really uncomfortable, not even some females know there's a difference.


Nice to see another sex god here that knows what's up


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This guy said people assume he's gay because of his room.

What kind of gay likes Strike Witches and K-on?


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The fag wants to be surrounded by icky girls. What a gay!


I think he is referring to the Xbox.


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The warning signs in that room are pink walls, the switch and bottled water.


Keep drinking the tap goy


Enjoy tap water bottled for your convenience.


It's spring water

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