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if you have an alpha personality you can get a gf, it's not looks and money


that's his sister


His hot sister that he fucks.


That makes him even more alpha.


You NEED money, even if you're attractive and have an alpha personality.


Personality is enough if you just want a one night stand.


Might be true if we assume money and looks naturally lead to a specific behavior. In this way the brain would be tricked in thinking, for example.
1. This person is acting alpha
2. Therefore they must be rich and good looking.


No woman is going to enter into a relationship with a broke NEET who has no car, no cell phone, has no income, and lives with his mom, or is homeless.

All this stuff requires money.

Talking over 99% of adult females would not start a relationship with an adult man like this, no matter how attractive or what his personality is like.


prove it

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