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You only grow from relationships, being alone and pretending you like it is the saddest shit ever


In a capitalist society where everything revolves around money, even human relationships, a man with no money is alone.

I have no money to offer. Any job I could get would not lead me to be able to buy my own property, or afford a female willing to reproduce with me in what is known as a family.

The economic opportunity and future in my country for young people is extremely bleak for the large majority. The rich need to even out the inequality or there will be a revolution.


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Why don't you blame yourself for your problems instead?


I find it hilarious that this is such a common argument, despite how ridiculously stupid it is.

I had no clue I was so powerful, everything wrong with modern western society is my fault?

Am I God? Satan? A powerful deity? Because acting like everything wrong with the society and time period I was born into is my fault, would be a severe case of delusion.

I could try all I want, but I couldn't stop the fact that the top 1% of my country owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined. I could become the 1%, and I would still be disgusted by modern society.


Everything wrong with your life that you aren't fixing is your fault.


The problems I have with society are not my own problems.

It is not my fault that there is an over 50% divorce rate, and women are rewarded for divorce. It is not my fault that almost every female in western society is a whore. It's not my fault that it's almost impossible to find a virgin female with no STDs. It is not my fault there is homeless people. Feminism is not my fault. It is not my fault immigrants flood my country. Race mixing is not my fault. It is not my fault that money exists in the first place.


So you're just whining then.


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How very forlorn and bratty of you..


Good, I'm a sad person.


I'm not alone, I'm with my /what/friendos!


Yeah I'm your friend


/what/friendos aren't real. They can't hug you,touch you,or see them.

Nothing more than text and pixels….


I have grown more as a person in isolation than I ever did as part of society.


You're not in isolation you have relationships through the internet retard


Then what was the point of this thread? It's meaningless.


Real life relationships have more power


I have grown more as a person in isolation from real life relationships than I ever did as part of in society.


Yeah me too but there's other types of growth you're missing out on


Any such growth is unimportant.


Looks like you have a lot of growing up to do


Or I have grown past benefiting from any growth real relationships could bring.


*Shakes head and chuckles*


maybe the reason you cant get gf is not because you are poor but because they can smell the r9polteen inside you


If I had stable income I could easily get a girlfriend.

Give me $50,000 a year, I'll easily get a girlfriend.



Over 99% of women in America would not start a relationship with a broke NEET, unless he still has social status left over from high-school, or he lives in a very rural town and knew the girl from high-school.

If you don't have this kind of situation, you NEED financial income to get a girlfriend.


Okay but once you have money how are you gonna talk to a girl and date her


Buy a car, cell phone, and my own house.

Then go to an online dating site and advertise that I have all these things, along with stable income.

At this point I would actually have a great amount of selection. Women would become the ones who want me.

I will intentionally contact young nerdy girls who have not gone to college, rather than stupid normalfag whores.


is it true that most smart girls are basically average males


Yes. Why are you asking? Want to find out if I'm that poster?



anyway areny you a shutin? how do you talk to people? dont you have anxiety or anything? if it's so easy for you to talk you should still be able to get laid


trev's a literal millionaire and he still doesn't have a gf stop bullshitting yourself lmaoo
they probably don't even exist


I'm basically a shut-in, but I don't have social anxiety or problems talking with people. I do have a very antisocial introverted mindset though.

I used to feel social anxiety, until I realized how intelligent I am, combined with physical strength to be able to fight.


You're the same guy who glorifies north korea, right?


he's not really a millionaire you retard, that is just shitposting. he definitely has less than 100k in crypto



thata whatmin


crypto is a great medium for turning millions+ into less than 100k
everyone treats it as a legitimate real investment but it's really a ridiculous gamble
prices can swing +-20% on an average day and people still margin trade with 100x leverage, basically losing everything if the price moves against how they predict
crypto investing is basically just speculative gambling on a massive bubble
it's about as legitimate an "investment" as day-trading forex


I mean he never had a million, he was just doing it to mess with his brother


I'm handsome as fuck, 6'2, huge dick, broad shoulders, masculine jawline and nose, dark brown hair and blue eyes with pronounced limbal rings. Every girl I've ever approached in my life has obsessed over me, without exception. And not only them.

And yet I make 25k a year drawing hentai and furry porn online. And with btc dying this year all of my savings are gone too.


Post your art.


post your huge dick


>limbal rings
why do you people use such specific terms for banal body parts
I mean, it wouldn't even occur to me that the outline of the iris has a special name

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