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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1519970092892.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, Twice.png)




File: 1519973299153.png (1.13 MB, 1280x720, aikatsu152_premux_001_2063….png)



Don't like, no rhythm/beat/melody.


>no rhythm/beat/melody
That makes no sense.


I don't think he really understands what those words mean, that's why he also bundled them together like that.


sugoi trips


File: 1520240144198.png (223.75 KB, 704x396, 1271874603853.png)


How are you only 23


File: 1520243299890.jpg (760.81 KB, 1000x973, 040c80153f94a134c534a05a64….jpg)

I'm 200 in NEET years.

They should study my brain to see wtf happened.

I believe I'll be of some scientific value, in a study for long-term effects of social isolation combined with internet access and habitual cannabis usage. I think it's the formula for creating a new potent strain of super aspergers.


These sync up well to the song im listening too. If I listen to "Candy Pop" more than once it will be in my head for eternity.
Sums up my life.

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