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I want to be a neet so bad I'm crying I hate this life being a neet was so comfy like being in the womb


Where do you work? How much do you make?

You should just be homeless instead probably, it's better.


Are you American or African or something?

That sounds rough, maybe you could try and find part time work so you only have to work 2 or 3 days a week.


I was homeless for a year before this


Yeah I'm American I hate living with people and sharing a room and I humiliate myself in public this is torture I'm so stupid I hate myself so much


>That sounds rough, maybe you could try and find part time work so you only have to work 2 or 3 days a week.
There's people working full time in America who are still homeless.

Only way you're making a part time job work is if you have roommates, live with your family, or already have money or other income.


There isn't much you can do about it, maybe try becoming an artist and living off that or some other kind of self employment.

I think often it depends on what your expenses are, even in my country many people working full time jobs are poor because they spend it all on, alcohol, smokes, drugs, phone plans, loans, going out and fast food.


imagine spending all your money on fun things and being popular and happy and stuff.

instead i don't have any money and just sit around on /what/ all gay and post dumb and sad stuff.


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it was alright, but got boring, not having any money
i started working and basically my life remained unchanged except being out of the house 10 hours a day
well, initially there was great joy in not having to be anxious about my immediate future and being able to buy shit and drive my own car
but then it subsided and i came to realise that none of the underlying issues had been dealt with and i'm still living basically the same life as i was ten years ago.


This is why I just stay NEET, and don't try harder for the privilege of working some minimum wage job.

Even if I got a job, it wouldn't change anything. I wouldn't be able to afford my own house, I wouldn't have enough money to attract females to mate with, and start a family.

If I can't do either of these things with my pay, I won't work. The cost:reward is not there for me.

I'll just live at my mom's house, if she dies, I'll take the life insurance payout, my savings, and go live a high-class homeless lifestyle.


yeah i mean if you're comfortable keep at it

it's a cold world out there


I thought it was easy to get NEETbux if you live in 'murrica i.e. you only need to pretend to be mentally ill, provided you don't actually have some kind of condition already.





yeah, this guide is what I had in mind when I made my post
God, I wish I could do something like that in my shithole…


I doubt this works honestly


Getting some form of NEETbux in the US is near impossible. No one pays you to be a neet here. Forms of governmental assistance would include EBT (foodstamps), section 8 housing, single mothers with kids in forms of tax refunds. You can sell your food stamps for .80cents on the dollar. Proving that you have a mental disability for SSI takes years and you may not even get accepted. Disability from a psychical problem is your best bet if you want a check in the form of dollars bills. Unemployment requires you to have a former job and to be actively searching for a new one, this does not pay much either.

NEETbux's only exist in European countries really.


Yeah I know, even food stamps are hard to get here


Some people want to get rid of EBT (food stamps), and replace it with pre arranged boxes of food mailed to your house.

Obviously most homeless people don't have addresses to get packages. And receiving a package would be cumbersome for many homeless, could get stolen, lost, etc. I certainly don't trust the government to make meal plans either.

The people who thought of this obviously are out of touch.

Out of all the forms of welfare you can pick on, going after food is the worst. Relatively it's not even that expensive, certainly not compared to military spending. You can drop all other forms of welfare, people can be homeless, but there's no need to let citizens literally starve to death because they don't have money, in the richest country on Earth.


Qatar is the richest country on earth.


depends on how you measure it.
i go by GDP based on PPP but not per capita, in which case china numba wan.


Have you actually tried doing the stuff in the guide?


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