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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1519227063298.jpg (17.06 KB, 240x320, DSC_0000027.jpg)


check it out boys its the colloseum


File: 1519227104051.jpg (Spoiler Image, 10.54 KB, 240x320, DSC_0000031.jpg)

posting from resturant wi-fi


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They give you enough money to go on vacation to Italy? Wtf Norway.


It's a NEET Paradise


Those mkuktra chemical lobotomy look in his eyes


le 100% italian face


File: 1519321432500.jpg (82.04 KB, 1280x720, 3011.com.jpg)

I have no money, I had to beg for bus tickets……..


sleeping at the train station tonight…………


sometimes i wonder if dani is just really committed to the joke but then i remember the picture he took where he abducted that raccoon thing


have you ever taken a dna test


Not Dani but

Italy/Greece 36%
Ireland 32%
Great Britain 13%
Scandinavia 8%
Europe West 7%
Finland/Northwest Russia 3%
Iberian Peninsula < 1%


Don't do that, they'll keep your info forever and sell it to insurance companies and others who might want to know what diseases you're susceptible to. Doing those tests gives those companies the rights to your genetic essence.


Post pic


Yeah it's like some creepy sci Fi dystopia nineteen eighty four shit have you seen the commercials


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He missed it by a week, what a shame…


The Colosseum looks a bit run down… They should repair it!


they did, in like 1400


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is that where red saber lives


No, the colosseum was build by Vespasian(well started by Vespasian) who was emperor shortly after Nero, not straight after though, there was Galba and then the year of the four Emperors which ended with Vespasian.

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